Carin Fahlin

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Carin Fahlin (born October 11, 1900 in Linköping ; † March 12, 1964 ) was a Swedish Romance and Medievalist .

life and work

Fahlin received his doctorate in Uppsala with the Etude sur le manuscrit de Tours de la Chronique des ducs de Normandie par Benoît (Uppsala 1937). After she was unable to accept the offer to succeed Gunnar Tilander in Stockholm in 1959 due to serious illness, she received a full professorship in 1961 at her home university, Uppsala .

Other works

  • Étude sur l'emploi des prepositions en, à, dans au sens local. M. Nijhoff, Uppsala 1942.
  • (Ed.) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón : La buenaventura och andra noveller. Med glossary and commentary by Carin Fahlin. (= Spansk lektyr. 1). Lundequistska bokh, Uppsala 1945.
  • (with Åke W: son Munthe) Spansk grammar. Stockholm 1949.
  • (Ed.) Benoît de Sainte-More: Chronique des Ducs de Normandie. 4 volumes. Uppsala / Stockholm 1951, 1954, 1967 (with Östen Södergård), 1979 (with Sven Sandqvist).
