Carl Adams (singer)

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Carl Adams

Carl Adams , actually Charles R. Adams , sometimes also Karl Adams or Carl Adami (born February 9, 1834 in Charlestown , † September 8, 1900 in West Harwich on Cape Cod ) was an American opera singer ( tenor ).


Originally he was supposed to become a businessman and was already working as such when Professor Mulder discovered his voice and, after a short training period, took him on a concert tour through the USA from 1860 to 1862. He then switched to German opera and made his debut in Vienna with the Italian opera company of Désirée Artôt on the stage of the Quaitheater as Elvin in Nachtwandler . He then went to Pest , where on March 28, 1863 he performed Gennaro for the first time in German in Lucrezia Borgia . From 1864 to 1867 he sang at the Court Opera Theater in Berlin.

From 1867 Adams appeared at the Vienna Court Opera , where he was first tenor from 1871 to June 30, 1876. In Vienna in 1876 (on charges of the crime of fraud) , Hermine Wittmann (* 1853), who was engaged at the Berlin Nationaltheater , embroiled himself in a paternity trial that ended in his favor.

In 1876 he left his engagement in Vienna in favor of the Hamburg City Theater and from October 1, 1877 gave performances at the Academy of Music (New York City) with a Wagner - Mayerbeer opera troupe he had put together , in which he played the role of the heroic tenor von Eugenie Pappenheim (1842 / 49–1924) gave and from which a touring Adams-Pappenheim Opera Company should have developed.

Adams made guest tours to London, Madrid, Milan, Rotterdam and Leipzig, among others. He sang his roles in German, Italian, English and Spanish, depending on which country he was in. From 1880 he worked as a singing teacher in his homeland .

His students included Arthur Middleton (1880-1928), Grace Hiltz (1859-1887) and Emma Eames (1865-1952).

He died in West Harwich on Cape Cod in 1900 .


  1. Date and place of death according to Eisenberg; Kutsch-Riemens writes July 4th 1900 in Charlestown



Web links

Commons : Charles R. Adams  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Carl Adams at Operissimo  on the basis of the Great Singer Lexicon
  2. ↑ Courtroom . Trial of Adam. In:  Neues Wiener Tagblatt. Democratic Organ , No. 179/1876, July 1, 1876, p. 4 f. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nwg.
  3. Engagements and guests in operas and concerts. (…) New York. The former Viennese court opera singer H (err) Charles Adams (...). In:  Musikalisches Wochenblatt. Organ for musicians and music lovers , No. 43/1877 (8th year), October 19, 1877, p. 584, column 1 center. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / maintenance / muw.