Carl Beuermann

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Carl Beuermann (born April 11, 1855 in Oberscheden , † September 18, 1937 in Hanover ) was a German entrepreneur , local politician and shooter - senator .


Margarine factory and Carl Beuermann steam dairy

Carl Beuermann margarine factory and steam dairy ;
Engraving on the letterhead of an invoice, dated 1896; printed by Rob. Leunis & Son
Street sign for Beuermannstrasse between Schützenplatz and Ihme

Carl Beuermann was the owner of the margarine factory and steam dairy of the same name Carl Beuermann in Hanover. The company had one of the first telephone connections in Hanover with connection number 301 . In 1890, Beuermann opened a "detail defeat" for butter and margarine in what was then a new building built by Ferdinand Wallbrecht under what was then Grupenstrasse 12 . By simultaneously offering real dairy butter and margarine in the same shop, Beuermann virtually upgraded the “artificial butter”.

By 1898 at the latest, the company was "a member of the Association of German Margarinefabrikanten GmbH to protect the common interests of the margarine industry and the margarine trade". The factory's products had won several awards:

  • 1891: Silver medal at an exhibition "under Association Day NW"
  • also in the 1890s: Golden Medal from the Hannover Cooks Association , General German Culinary Art Exhibition .

After Beuermann already had seven branches in Hanover in 1895, there were already ten in 1900, while his “margarine factory and steam dairy” operated at Heinrichstrasse 13 .

Local politics and shooting

In 1898 the entrepreneur was elected mayor. From 1902 to 1924 he held the office of senator . In addition, Carl Beuermann had earned "services to the shooting industry": In 1901 Beuermann was elected chairman of the shooting association of the Northwest German District Association, until it was divided into various districts during the Nazi era "in 1935 due to conformity , subordination to the Reichsbund for physical exercises and the reorganization of the German shooting association and ceased to exist in 1936 ” . Instead, Carl Beuermann was appointed "Gausportleiter des Gaues 18 - North Sea". The successor organization to the Northwest German District Club was the Lower Saxony Sport Shooting Association


  • In 1970, part of the street that was formerly known as the north bank and which leads in the Calenberger Neustadt district between the Ihme and Schützenplatz "from Lavesallee to the stadium bridge" was renamed "after the Schützen Senator ..."


  • Erich Czwalinna: The Northwest German District Association. 1868–1935 , in: Erich Czwalinna, Kurt Trump: 125 Years of Lower Saxon Riflemen in the German Rifle Federation 1868–1993. A historical documentation on the German shooting scene in Lower Saxony , Niedersächsischer Sportschützenverband eV Hannover (Hrsg.), Hannover: Schlütersche, 1993. ISBN 3-87706-390-X , pp. 49-60; here: p. 53

Web links

Commons : Carl Beuermann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Welcome to the NSSV , the website of the Niedersächsischer Sportschützenverband eV in Hanover

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Helmut Zimmermann : Beuermannstrasse , in: Die Strasseennamen der Landeshauptstadt Hannover , Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung , Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 40
  2. a b c d e Compare the letterhead of the margarine factory and steam dairy Carl Beuermann from 1896
  3. ^ A b Ludwig Hoerner : Margarinefabriken und -handlungen , in ders .: Agents, bathers and copists. Hannoversches Gewerbe-ABC 1800–1900 . Ed .: Hannoversche Volksbank , Reichold, Hannover 1995, ISBN 3-930459-09-4 , pp. 301f.
  4. comparisons offering allesauspaper on ebay .com; red stamp on an invoice sheet from 1898; HANNOVER, invoice 1898, margarine factory and steam dairy Carl Beuermann
  5. Ludwig Hoerner: Butter and cheese trades , in which: agents, bathers and copists ... , p. 81ff.
  6. a b Erich Czwalinna: The Northwest German District Association ... (see literature)