Carl Gustav Jablonsky

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Pages from the natural system of all known domestic and foreign insects
Pages from the natural system of all known domestic and foreign insects

Carl Gustav Jablonsky (* 1756 ; † May 25, 1787 ) was a German naturalist , entomologist and illustrator .


He made the first attempt to completely catalog the genus Coleoptera according to the Linnaeus system . He created the first two volumes of the natural system of all known domestic and foreign insects . After his death, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Herbst continued his work. At the same time he also worked on the continuation of Friedrich Martini's “General History of Nature”.

In addition, Jablonsky was also the private secretary of Queen Elisabeth Christine of Prussia.


  • Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Herbst and Carl Gustav Jablonsky: Natural system of all known domestic and foreign insects, as a continuation of von Büffon's natural history. Edited according to the system of the knight Carl von Linné : beetles.


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