Carl Johann Nepomuk Hemerlein

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Carl Johann Nepomuk Hemerlein (born March 7, 1807 in Mainz , † January 31, 1884 in Vienna ) was a German history and landscape painter and archivist.


Carl Johann Nepomuk Hemerlein, portrait of the cathedral capitular Franz von Kesselstatt († 1841)

Before 1823 Hemerlein was educated in Paris , then he returned to Mainz, where he received lessons in drawing and painting. In 1823, 1826 and 1835 he participated in the exhibitions of the Mainzer Kunstverein, and from 1826 to 1828 he studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts . Between 1835 and 1837 he was in Paris, where he was a student in Paul Delaroche's studio . Then return to Mainz, where he becomes acquainted with the Austrian State Chancellor, Prince Metternich . 1837 participation in the exhibition of the Darmstädter Kunstverein as well as in 1837 and 1838 the traveling exhibitions of the Rheinischer Kunstverein. Hemerlein moved to Vienna in 1838 and returned to Paris in 1841, where he worked as a copyist. In 1842 he traveled to Rome and Paris, after which Hemerlein worked as a history painter in Vienna. There he created u. a. around 1852 three high altar paintings in the church of St. Laurenz am Schottenfeld .


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