Carl Leonhard

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Carl Leonhard, portrayed by his cousin Guido Philipp Schmitt , 1920
Carl Leonhard (1848–1930)
Emichbrunnen Grünstadt, donated in 1913 by Carl Leonhard

Carl Leonhard (born December 30, 1848 in Reichenbach ; † April 4, 1930 in Heidelberg ) was a German entrepreneur and patron .


He was the son of the teacher Karl Ludwig Leonhard (1806–1863) and his wife Margaretha geb. Schmitt (1811–1895), sister of the painter Georg Philipp Schmitt . The father later became a tax collector in Großbockenheim , where the family then moved.

Carl Leonhard attended the nearby Progymnasium Grünstadt , embarked on a commercial career and became commercial director of the Portland cement factory in Halle AG. In 1893 he joined the Heidelberg Portland cement factory in the same capacity , where he remained on the management board until 1916 and was a member of the supervisory board until his death .

In 1882, Leonhard married Anna Antoinetta Bilabel (1857–1928), daughter of the Heidelberg mayor Heinrich August Bilabel and his wife Philippine, née Philippine. Mündel, whose sister Anna was married to the Frankenthal painter Franz Schmitt (Leonhard's uncle). The marriage resulted in two sons, of whom the son Albert Leonhard (1888–1950) later became director of the Kiefersfelden cement works and the Weisenau cement works .

Carl Leonhard died in Heidelberg in 1930. He wore the Knight's Cross 2nd Class of the Order of the Zähringer Lion .


Through his schooldays, Leonhard remained lifelong connected to the city of Grünstadt , the former residence of the Counts of Leiningen , who also founded his school there.

In 1913 his cousin Guido Philipp Schmitt portrayed Count Reinhard August zu Leiningen-Westerburg-Altleiningen as his ancestor Emich II of Leiningen († before 1138). Carl Leonhard gave this painting to the city of Grünstadt as a decoration for the council chamber. In the same year he donated the Röhr- or Emichbrunnen in Hauptstrasse, the bronze relief of which was executed after the knight painting. The fountain still exists in the city, the painting is currently in the collection of the Museum Grünstadt .

In 1916, Carl Leonhard financed two copies of Baroque portraits of the Counts of Leiningen for the council chamber in Grünstadt, again painted by his cousin Guido Philipp Schmitt. When the Bavarian image of the ruler was removed there for political reasons in 1918/1919, he had a third one made. The Altertumsverein Grünstadt and its museum at the time received several donations from Leonhard; His portrait drawn by Guido Schmitt can still be found in the collection today as a gift from him.

In 1917 two of the three bells in Martinskirche Grünstadt were withdrawn due to the war. Immediately after the First World War, Carl Leonhard donated 6,000 marks for two new bells that could be purchased in 1921. In 1927 Leonhard paid for a fourth bronze bell of 44 hundredweight, which was named Leonhard's bell as a thank you.


  • Dietmar Cramer: From people and cement: history of the cement works Leimen , Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft Ulm, 2001, ISBN 3-88 294-321-1 , p. 26 u. 32 (photo), PDF view
  • Peter Blum: Pioneers from technology and economy in Heidelberg , Shaker Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3826565444 , p. 131 u. 133; Clipping scans
  • Robert Schmitt: Simon Joseph Gabriel Schmitt (1766–1855): life story, ancestors and descendants , Koblenz, self-published by the editor, 1966, pp. 205, 295, 300 u. 301
  • Margarethe Roth: The paintings in the city hall of Grünstadt , in: Neue Leininger Blätter , Grünstadt, born 1926/1927, pp. 16-18

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annual report on the Royal Bavarian Latin School in Grünstadt , Frankenthal, 1862, p. 6 u. 7; Digital view
  2. Website with the company history of the company founded in 1891
  3. Dietmar Cramer: Von Menschen und Zement: History of the cement works in Leimen , Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft Ulm, 2001, ISBN 3-88 294-321-1 , p. 26
  4. ^ Notices from the Central Office for the Promotion of the German Portland Cement Industry , Volume 2, 1913, p. 26; Detail scan
  5. Margarethe Roth: The paintings in the Grünstadter Stadthaussaal , in: Neue Leininger Blätter , Grünstadt, born 1926/1927, p. 17
  6. ^ Tonindustrie-Zeitung , Volume 42, p. 254, Verlag A. Seydel, 1918; Detail scan
  7. ^ Walter Lampert: Grünstadt in old pictures , Volume 2, p. 37, Grünstadt, 1980