Carl Ludwig Hofmeister

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Carl Ludwig Hofmeister: The Ferdinand Bridge in Vienna, 1822

Carl Ludwig Hofmeister (also: Hoffmeister ), (* 1790 in Vienna ; † 1843 ibid) was an Austrian painter of Viennese picture clocks .


The city ​​views and landscapes of the Biedermeier painter and his workshop show, in oil painting on metal, primarily Viennese motifs. But there are also vedutas of other cities and areas (for example Baden near Vienna , Salzburg , Dresden , Pirna , the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen, etc.). The dials of the clocks linked to the picture are integrated into the picture and kept rather small. They are mostly designed as a tower clock . Hofmeister's picture clocks combine anecdotal appeal with technical gimmicks and are relatively expensive.


Web links

Commons : Carl Ludwig Hofmeister  - Collection of images, videos and audio files