Carl Meissner

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Acta Horti mountain.  - 1905 - tafl.  133 - Carl Friedrich Meissner.jpg

Carl Daniel Friedrich Meissner , actually Meisner , (born November 1, 1800 in Bern , † May 2, 1874 in Basel ) was a Swiss botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ Meisn. "

Live and act

His last name was originally Meisner , but later he changed the spelling to Meissner . For most of his 40-year career he was professor of botany in Basel . He was the first real professor of botany, and he founded the third botanical garden in front of the Aeschentor (1836).

He made important contributions to botanical literature, including his extensive work Plantarum Vascularum Genera and monographs on the families Polygonaceae (especially the genus Polygonum ), Lauraceae , Proteaceae , Thymelaeaceae and Hernandiaceae . His contributions to the description of the Australian flora were numerous; he described hundreds of species of the Australian Proteaceae and many Australian species from other families, particularly the Fabaceae , Mimosaceae and Myrtaceae . After 1866 his strength decreased and he was less active. He died on May 2, 1874 in Basel.

In 1841 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . Since 1855 he was a foreign member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .


  • Plantarum vascularium genera. Weidmann, Leipzig
    • Volume 1, 1836. (Latin)
    • Volume 2, 1843. (Latin)


Web links

Commons : Carl Meissner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Stumm, Reinhardt and Georg Stark (1997) - Botanical Gardens of Switzerland. Vevey: Mondo Verlag. ISBN 2-88168-812-8 , p. 14th