Carl Porttmann

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Fishing family on the shores of Lake Geneva

Carl Porttmann (* around 1812 or around 1840 in Düsseldorf ; † October 30, 1894 there ) was a German genre painter .

Porttmann was the son of the painter Wilhelm Porttmann . In 1837/1838 he studied at the Royal Prussian Art Academy in Düsseldorf, where Josef Wintergerst was his teacher.


  • The Declaration of Libes (1866)
  • Children playing at the lake (around 1866/67)
  • Familienglück (1867), a gift from the Sparkasse to the Städtische Kunstsammlung, Rostock in 1868.
  • The chicken yard (exhibited at the 1st international art exhibition in the Royal Glass Palace in Munich in 1869)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Porttmann, Wilhelm. Hermann Alex. Müller: Biographical Artist Lexicon. Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1882, p. 424 ( : "In recent years his son Karl P. has made himself well known through some genre pictures").
  2. ^ Artists of the Düsseldorf School of Painting (PDF, p. 91, status: November 2016: "Son of W. Porttmann").
  3. finding aid 212.01.04 student lists the Dusseldorf Art Academy. Website in the portal ( North Rhine-Westphalia State Archive )
  4. ^ A b Friedrich Mueller: Porttmann, Karl . In: The artists of all times and peoples or the life and works of the most famous builders, sculptors, painters, copper engravers, form cutters, lithographers etc. Ebner & Seubert, 1870, p. 343 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  5. Bremen, March . In: Die Dioskuren: German art newspaper . April 1, 1866, p. 100 ( ): 'The declaration of love', by the well-known genre painter Carl Porttmann in Düsseldorf
  6. ^ Porttmann, Karl . In: Guido Joseph Kern (Hrsg.): Catalog of the municipal art collection in Rostock . Council u. Universitätsbuchdruckerei, Rostock 1910, p. 29 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - The year of birth is assumed here to be around 1840).
  7. paintings - Loge I . In: Provisional catalog of the I. International Art Exhibition in the Kgl. Glass palace in Munich . Munich 1869, p. 1 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).