Carl Robert Tielsch

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Carl Ernst Robert Tielsch (born September 1, 1815 in Borne, Neumarkt district , † November 2, 1882 in Altwasser ) was a Silesian businessman and entrepreneur . He founded the porcelain factory C. Tielsch & Co.


The 2006 factory owner's villa in Stary Zdrój , ul.Armii Krajowej 7a

On September 1, 1815, Carl Ernst Robert Tielsch was born as the son of the royal bailiff and landowner Ernst Tielsch in Borne in the Silesian district of Neumarkt .

After his father's death in 1821, Carl Tielsch came to see his uncle, the higher regional judge Tielsch, in Breslau and attended grammar school there . His uncle died in 1829, and at the age of 14, Carl Tielsch began an apprenticeship with another relative, the businessman Carl Zedlitz in Waldheim. Afterwards he worked in the trading company of his uncle Ziebig & Comp.

Encouraged by his important predecessor in the Silesian porcelain industry, Carl Krister , Tielsch founded the porcelain factory Carl Tielsch & Co. in Altwasser near Waldenburg in 1845 together with a partner, the Wroclaw banker Gideon von Wallenberg, as the location of the factory, he chose a site near the planned one Railway station in Altwasser. (The Breslau-Freiburg railway line was completed in 1843, and in 1853 the line was extended via Altwasser to Waldenburg.)

In 1849 he married Marie Auguste geb. Leupold. From this marriage the children Clara and Egmont emerged. His uncle Zedlitz died in mid-1851, and Carl Tielsch succeeded him at Ziebig & Comp. on. From 1860 to 1863 a representative factory owner's villa (called “Palais Tielsch” or “Schloss Altwasser”) was built right next to the factory site, which was the family seat until 1888. His first wife died in 1868, and in 1870 Tielsch married Elisabeth geb. Köhler, with whom he had the children Carl, Marie and Elisabeth. In 1880 Carl Tielsch bought the bankrupt Schlesische Spiegel-Manufactur in Nieder Salzbrunn , very close to his porcelain factory.

On November 2nd, 1882, Carl Ernst Robert Tielsch died at the age of 67 in Altwasser.


Ziebig & Comp.

Carl Tielsch joined his uncle's Waldenburg trading company as a young man. It was at least partly an insurance agency. This company was named in Gotha as an agent of the life insurance bank for Germany as early as 1835 . On January 24, 1838, the official gazette of the Royal Government of Breslau, Part IV : “The merchants Jos. Hoffmann here himself, GH Kuhnrath zu Brieg, CW Müller zu Oels, Carl Zedlitz, as head of the Ziebig and Comp. zu Waldenburg, and the Rathmann guard at Frankenstein, have been confirmed by us as agents of the life insurance company at Gotha. Breslau, January 18, 1838 ”.

Furthermore, Ziebig & Comp. the agency for the Gothaer fire insurance bank and for the Prussian pension insurance establishment .

After the death of Carl Tielsch, his son Egmont Tielsch took over the successor, but already in 1883 he terminated all agencies and finally dissolved the company in 1886.

Porcelain Manufacture C. Tielsch & Co.

See the main article on the porcelain manufacturer C. Tielsch & Co.

C. Tielsch & Co. Kaolin slurry mill in Meissen

The catalog for the ceramic exhibition of the Dresden Trade Association from 1891 lists the Schlämmerei's product range under 23: Raw kaolin from the Kaschka and Löthain pits; Kaolin (Meissner), slurried; Begusshon, slurried; Quartz, raw, burned out and finely ground. ... Coarse sand for chamotte manufacture, fine sand for pottery, grinding sand for tile manufacture. ... The Schlämmerei not only supplies all raw products for porcelain production for the porcelain factory belonging to the same company in Altwasser in Silesia, but also sends slurry kaolin and clay to many factories in Germany and abroad.

Silesian mirror glass manufacturer Carl Tielsch

Purchased bankrupt in 1880, the company was developed by Carl Tielsch and later by the Tielsch family into the largest flat glass works in Eastern Germany. In 1900 the Saint-Gobain, Chauny & Cirey (Paris) joint-stock company took over 50% of all shares.


Thiel's products were recognized at the world exhibitions in London in 1851 , in Paris in 1867 , in Vienna in 1873 and in Melbourne in 1880 .

In 1861 he was awarded the title of (royal Prussian) commercial councilor in recognition of his services to the Silesian industry . The award of the Royal Crown Order took place in 1874.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gerhard Schmidt-Stein: Silesian porcelain before 1945. Page 41.
  2. ^ The list of all traders for the year 1854 , compiled by the secretariat of the Chamber of Commerce in Breslau, states on page 27 as the company: G. v. Pachaly`s grandson; Owner: Carl Gideon Gotthard von Wallenberg-Pachaly; Business Sector: Banking and Goods Business; Address: Rossmarkt 10
  3. ^ [1] Report in the official gazette of the Royal Government of Breslau from December 1851: In place of the in September d. J. The deceased agent of the Gothaer Fire Insurance Bank, businessman CF Zedlitz in Waldenburg, we confirmed today the businessman C. Tielsch there in the same capacity, on the basis of the highest cabinet order of January 5, 1847. Breslau, November 14, 1851.
  4. The Waldenburger Wochenblatt of 1882, No. 88, writes in its obituary: “On Thursday at noon, after a long suffering, the king died. Commerzienrath Carl Tielsch. The deceased founded the local porcelain factory around 40 years ago. From a small beginning, his lively commercial spirit and his never-ending workforce created the ever-expanding industrial establishment, which today enjoys an honorable international reputation as one of the largest porcelain factories in Germany. The creative activity of the deceased extended to a number of other endeavors. So he created the mass factory in Meissen under the same company C. Tielsch & Co.; The local mirror factory has flourished again since it became the sole property of the deceased; the Ziebig & Co. banking business in Waldenburg, whose owner the deceased was, has a very respected name in commercial and financial circles. What an abundance of work rested on that noble man's shoulders! How trusted his advice and insight! Because in addition to managing his establishment and the bank institute, he was given various honorary positions. For a number of years he chaired the board of directors of the stock corporation 'Silesia' and was also a member of the board of the Chamber of Commerce ... "
  5. Why, when and how should you insure your life? A loyal advisor for caring husbands and fathers. Gotha 1835, page 51.
  6. ^ [2] Report in the official gazette of the Royal Government in Breslau from December 1851: In place of the in September d. J. The deceased agent of the Gothaer Fire Insurance Bank, businessman CF Zedlitz in Waldenburg, we confirmed today the businessman C. Tielsch there in the same capacity, on the basis of the Highest Cabinet Order of January 5, 1847. Breslau, November 14, 1851.
  7. Waldenburger Wochenblatt 102/1883: “Preußische Renten-Versicherungs-Anstalt announces that Ziebig & Co will leave as their agent on January 1st, 1884. Life insurance bank f. D. in Gotha announces that as a result of the impending dissolution of the Ziebig & Co. company, the administration of our agency in Waldenburg has voluntarily resigned ... "
  8. In an announcement of July 27, 1886, published in the Waldenburger Wochenblatt , No. 64/1886, the Royal District Court announced: “In our company register today the dissolution of the company Ziebig &, registered under No. 155 of the company register is Comp. at Waldenburg. Waldenburg, July 27, 1886 "
  9. ^ Catalog of the ceramic exhibition. Porcelain, pottery and glass industries. Dresden Trade Association, 1891.
  10. Horst Möller: Saint-Gobain in Germany , page 52.


  • Gerhard Schmidt-Stein: Silesian porcelain before 1945 . Bergstadtverlag Korn, Würzburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-87057-207-5 .
  • Official Journal of the Royal Government of Wroclaw. Breslau 1836–1870.
  • Horst Möller: Saint-Gobain in Germany. From 1853 to the present. History of a European company . CH Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-46772-5 .