Carl Steinbrück

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Carl Steinbrück (born October 27, 1869 in Bahn , Greifenhagen district , † 1945 in Danzig ) was a businessman and politician in Danzig and a victim of Nazi Germany .

Carl Steinbrück worked as a merchant in Danzig. From 1933 he was Honorary Consul of Panama . Politically, he belonged to the DNVP . In the People's Day election in Gdansk in 1935 , he was elected for his party (formally for the "List of Wise Men", a candidacy under the desired name of the party had been banned by the National Socialists) in the People's Day , the Landtag of the Free City of Danzig .

On June 12, 1936, he and his parliamentary group colleague Rudolf Gamm were seriously wounded by National Socialist thugs during the battle in the Danziger Josephshaus. In April 1938 he had to join the NSDAP faction as an intern under pressure . In 1945 he was slain by Red Army soldiers.


  • Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdL, the end of the parliaments in 1933 and the members of the state parliaments and citizenships of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation 1933–1945. A biographical index. Droste, Düsseldorf 1995, ISBN 3-7700-5189-0 , p. 157, item 1259