Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero

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Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero (born October 14, 1789 in Santa Vittoria d'Alba ; † April 1831 , missing at sea) was an Italian doctor, botanist and plant collector. Its botanical author abbreviation is " Bertero ".


Carlo Giuseppe Luigi Bertero was born on October 14, 1789 in St. Vittoria d'Alba to Joseph Bertero and Anna Maria Abrigo. He also had a brother and a sister. When his father died, he was raised by his mother, who also enabled him to attend high school in Alba . His teacher there, Francesco Giuseppe Gardini, philosopher, doctor and physicist, had a strong influence on him.

Bertero studied medicine at the University of Turin and dealt in particular with toxic plants as well as herbal emetics and laxatives from his native Piedmont . This aroused his interest in botany and Bertero studied botany.

For political reasons - Bertero and his friend, the botanist Giovanni Battista Balbis (1765-1831), were suspected to have been involved in the Piemotesischen Revolution - he went to Pavia and then to Lyon .

From 1817 to 1821 he stayed on botanical studies in the West Indies and from 1827 to 1831 on several Pacific islands . Bertero is also known as the descriptor and collector of the plants of Chile . On the return trip from Tahiti to Valparaíso in April 1831, his ship probably sank. Carlo Bertero's fate remains unclear.


  • The Belgian businessman, adventurer, diplomat and travel writer Jacques-Antoine Moerenhout named Bertero Island, a coral reef in the South Pacific (now Minerve Reef ), after his friend and travel companion Carlo Bertero.
  • In Rome , a street is named after Bertero: Via Giuseppe Carlo Bertero
  • The city of Alba (Piedmont) dedicated a monument to Bertero and his teacher Francesco Giuseppe Gardini. It is now on Corso Matteotti.


Individual evidence

  1. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

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