Carsten Guhr

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Carsten Guhr (born February 24, 1979 in Räckelwitz ) was Mayor of Oberlichtenau until it was incorporated into the city of Pulsnitz on January 1, 2009 . After being elected with 92% of the vote in 2002, he became Germany's youngest mayor at the age of 22 after completing an internship in municipal administration as part of a degree in state and local government. At that time he was in the middle of his exam.

He was and is active for years in the sports community of the small town in Saxony , not far from Dresden .


Carsten Guhr's father, Johannes Guhr, was a bricklayer by profession and died before the son was born. His mother, Edith Guhr, was born on April 1, 1948 in Berlin, where she later met Johannes Guhr.

After the first years of childhood in Oberlichtenau, Carsten Guhr was given the opportunity at the age of 9 to switch to the children's and youth sports school (KJS) of the German University of Physical Culture (DHfK) in Leipzig and to become an artistic gymnast . At the time, this gang caused a sensation because it was an unusual exception for someone to be able to switch directly from a school sports community to the KJS without having previously completed a training center.

Carsten Guhr graduated from secondary school in Oberlichtenau in 1995 and graduated with distinction and secondary school diploma . He then switched to the vocational high school in Kamenz , where he attended economics for 3 years. In 1998 he passed his Abitur there and applied to the Saxon Administration University of Applied Sciences in Meißen for the state and municipal administration course .

He graduated in 2002 with the state exam , and got in 2003 after successful Diplomierung awarded the degree "diploma administrative landlord (FH)". He already wrote his diploma thesis on the subject of “Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Pulsnitz” as mayor.

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