Castulus Riedl

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Castulus Riedl (* 22. March 1701 in Moosburg , † 24. July 1783 in Munich ) was a German engineer geographer , surveyor , cartographer , hydraulic - and road planners .


Riedl initially worked as a court clerk, but was interested in surveying and obtained his license to practice land geometer at the University of Ingolstadt in 1728 .

From 1729 to 1733 he worked as a lieutenant engineer in Austrian services in building fortresses in Belgrade and Timisoara , among others . He then had a position as a teacher of mathematics and military training at the Ettal Knight Academy , where he also did cartographic commissioned work. In the Austrian War of Succession he was taken prisoner of war . In 1745 he was employed in the administration of the Electorate of Bavaria as a geometer and hydraulic engineer.

In the under Maximilian III. Joseph started building the road, he was involved in the planning and management of the construction work and the mapping of the Bavarian roads. In 1752 he was supposed to carry out a national survey based on the French model, but this was not done for financial reasons. In 1757 he became court chamber councilor . He was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences since it was founded in 1759.

One of his sons was Adrian von Riedl .

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Year of death different: 1785
  2. The information in this article is largely based on Daniel Schlögel: Riedl, Castulus. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie 21 (2003), pp. 574-575
  3. Hans Wolff: Bavaria in the image of the map - Carthographia Bavariae . Ed .: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. 2nd Edition. Anton H. Konrad Verlag, Weißenhorn 1991, ISBN 3-87437-301-0 , p. 152 .