Ceann Comhairle

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The Ceann Comhairle [ ˈcʲɑːn̪ ˈkoːɾʲlʲə ] ( Irish : "head [of] the council") is the chairman or political spokesman for the Irish House of Commons, Dáil Éireann . The Ceann Comhairle is elected in the first session after an election from among the lower house parliamentarians.


Strict impartiality is required of the chairman . Regardless of this, the government generally tries to get the election of a chairman from among its own ranks. In order to achieve a certain impartiality, the Irish constitution stipulates that a Ceann Comhairle may not run again as MP for the lower house - he is considered to be re-elected in his constituency until he resigns. This means that the constituency of a Ceann Comhairle can allocate one seat less in an election. This procedure was introduced in 1927 through a constitutional amendment.

The Ceann Comhairle does not take part in votes - but has the decisive vote in a tie, sovereignty over the house rules and other functions. These include:

  • Granting the right to speak
  • Bringing questions to the House of Commons including monitoring their processing and the announcement of the result
  • By the transferred his domestic authority he can rule the House members (temporarily) from the Dáil. In the event of major unrest, he can postpone meetings or end them early.


The position of the Ceann Comhairle has existed as long as the Dáil, i.e. H. since the creation of the first (revolutionary) Dáil in 1919. The first Ceann Comhairle was Cathal Brugha , who only held the office for one day. He presided over the first meeting and then became Príomh Aire , d. H. President of the Dáil Éireann. Also during the Free State period from 1922 to 1937 there was the Ceann Comhairle, who was officially called "Chairman of the Dáil Éireann". With the loss of the governor general from 1936 to 1937, some of his functions were transferred to the Ceann Comhairle, who now had to finally sign bills and could convene and dissolve the Dáil. Also with the creation of the Irish Republic in 1937 the post of Ceann Comhairle, along with the automatic re-election, was taken.

Since 1931, Ceann Comhairle has been entrusted with a copy of the medieval bell from Lough Lene as a sign of office.

List of Ceann Comhairle

No. Surname Entry into service End of service Political party
1 Cathal Brugha January 21, 1919 January 22, 1919 Sinn Féin
2 Seán T. O'Kelly January 22, 1919 1921 Sinn Féin
3 Eoin MacNeill 1921 1922 Sinn Féin (wing of proponents of the treaty)
4th Michael Hayes 1922 1932 Cumann na nGaedheal
5 Frank Fahy 1932 1951 Fianna Fáil
6th Patrick Hogan 1951 1967 Irish Labor Party
7th Cormac Breslin 1967 1973 Fianna Fáil
8th Seán Treacy (first time) 1973 1977 Irish Labor Party
9 Joseph Brennan 1977 1980 Fianna Fáil
10 Pádraig Faulkner 1980 1981 Fianna Fáil
11 John O'Connell 1981 1982 Irish Labor Party
12 Tom Fitzpatrick 1982 1987 Fine Gael
Seán Treacy (again) 1987 1997 Irish Labor Party
13 Séamus Pattison 1997 2002 Irish Labor Party
14th Rory O'Hanlon 2002 2007 Fianna Fáil
15th John O'Donoghue 2007 2009 Fianna Fáil
16 Séamus Kirk 2009 2011 Fianna Fáil
17th Seán Barrett 2011 2016 Fine Gael
18th Seán Ó Fearghaíl 2016 (current incumbent) Fianna Fáil


  1. George Noble Plunkett temporarily chaired the Dáil on January 22, 1919, until Seán T. O'Kelly was elected as the new Ceann Comhairle in the course of this meeting .

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