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Cercomonas sp.

Cercomonas sp.

Domain : Eukaryotes (eukaryota)
without rank: Diaphoreticks
without rank: Sar
without rank: Rhizaria
without rank: Cercozoa
without rank: Cercomonadidae
Scientific name
Kent , 1880

The Cercomonadidae are a group of heterotrophic flagellates and are assigned to the Cercozoa .


The Cercomonadidae are free-living ameboflagellates with variable body shape, they form pseudopodia of various shapes. They move smoothly and have two flagella , with the rear flagella lying on the body. Their extrusomes are one of three forms: osmiophilic bodies, microtoxicysts, and trichocysts . Often they have a complex life cycle. The complete cycle, as it occurs in some species of Cercomonas , includes the following stages: Flagellates , these transform into amoeba , but which retain the flagella . Amoeba can become flagellates again or combine to form plasmodia , which are multinucleated and flagellated. A plasmodium can only transform into mononuclear flagellates through fragmentation. The flagellates can form cysts as permanent stages , which then germinate again to flagellates.

Under the electron microscope, all the species examined are characterized by the presence of a microtubule cone: a fibrillary root extends from one or both basal bodies of the flagella to the nucleus and ends in a granule at the nucleus. From this microtubules move along the cell nuclear envelope and thus form a cone-like structure.


The Cercomonadidae today include four genera:

The genera Dimastigamoeba, Prismatomonas, Reptomonas, Cercomastix, Cercobodo and Dimorpha are all assigned to Cercomonas today.

A synonym for the group is Cercobodonidae Hollande, 1942.

supporting documents


  • Sina M. Adl et al .: The New Higher Level Classification of Eukaryotes with Emphasis on the Taxonomy of Protists. In: The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Vol. 52, No. 5, 2005, pp. 399-451. doi : 10.1111 / j.1550-7408.2005.00053.x .
  • Alexander P. Myl'nikov, Serguei A. Karpov: Review of diversity and taxonomy of cercomonads. In: Protistology. Vol. 3, No. 4, 2004, ISSN  1680-0826 , pp. 201-217, online (PDF; 249 kB) .

Individual evidence

  1. Serguei A. Karpov, David Bass, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Thomas Cavalier-Smith : Molecular Phylogeny of Cercomonadidae and Kinetid Patterns of Cercomonas and Eocercomonas gen. Nov. (Cercomonadida, Cercozoa). In: Protist. Vol. 157, No. 2, 2006, pp. 125-158, doi : 10.1016 / j.protis.2006.01.001
  2. Alexander P. Myl'nikov, Serguei A. Karpov: Review of diversity and taxonomy of cercomonads. In: Protistology. Vol. 3, No. 4, 2004, pp. 201-217.