Cervejaria knight

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The Companhia Cervejaria Ritter , later Cervejaria C. Ritter & Irmão , was a Brazilian brewery . It was founded in Pelotas in 1870 by the German-Brazilian Karl Ritter ( Carlos Ritter , 1853–1926) and his brother Friedrich (Frederico Ritter), sons of German immigrants from the Hunsrück . Her father, Georg Heinrich Ritter, had already founded a microbrewery in the province of São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul in 1868 , the Cervejaria Ritter was the first large brewery in what would later become the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul and also exported to other Brazilian provinces and states.


The company premises initially comprised 3054 m². The brewery was the first to introduce electricity to Pelotas. "In 1898 the A. Klingers brewery in Rio Grande was taken over by Carlos Ritter & Irmao, which later merged with the Pelotenser breweries Haertel and Anselmi to form Cervejaria Sul." At the end of the 19th century, the consortium was one of the largest breweries in Brazil with a production facility 4.5 million bottles a year with 80 employees, in 1911 already 6 million with 250 employees and in 1922 16 million bottles. Thanks to the import of German brewing technology, the company won international awards for the quality of the beer, for example at the International Exposition St. Louis 1904 in Missouri. As early as 1881, the brewery represented the province of Rio Grande do Sul with its beers at the First German-Brazilian Fair in Porto Alegre as the first local products from German immigrants.

The brewery was initially located on Rua Tiradentes, on the banks of the Santa Bárbara Canal. In 1876 it was moved to Rua Marechal Floriano, across from Praça do Pavão. Their cellars are the most impressive underground deposits of Pelotas and are still preserved today. You are between Santa Casa and Camelódromo .

The brewery site was taken over by the Brahma brewery in 1940 . The production of the “Cervejaria Ritter Bier” brand was given up in favor of the Brahma brand, which continued to benefit from the imported brewing technology and is still one of the largest Brazilian beer brands today.

In 1970 the city of Pelotas named its Museu Carlos Ritter after the founder of the brewery, who was important for the city's economic development.

Types of beer

The brewery produced beer and other products:

  • Cerveja Pilsen
  • Cerveja Pelotense
  • Cerveja Riograndense
  • Cerveja Ritter Brau
  • Cerveja Royal
  • Cerveja Maerzen ( Märzenbier )
  • Cerveja Americana
  • Gasosa Espumantina ( barrel shower )
  • Guaraná knight

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dietrich von Delhaes-Guenther: Industrialization in southern Brazil: the German immigration ud beginnings of the d. Industrialization in Rio Grande do Sul, Volume 9 of Neue Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Böhlau, 1973, pp. 171ff
  2. ^ A b Carlos Alberto Tavares: Cronologia da cerveja brasileira ( Memento of March 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved July 3, 2018 (Portuguese).
  3. a b Natalia Daniela Soares Sá Britto: Industrialização e desindustrialização do espaço urbano na cidade de Pelotas (RS). (No longer available online.) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, 2011, pp. 53–54 , archived from the original on March 4, 2014 ; accessed on July 3, 2018 . (PDF; 3.17 MB).
  4. Dietrich von Delhaes-Guenther: Industrialization in southern Brazil: the German immigration ud beginnings of the d. Industrialization in Rio Grande do Sul, Volume 9 of Neue Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Böhlau, 1973, p. 198
  5. Os subterrâneos da Cervejaria Ritter . Retrieved March 1, 2014 (Portuguese).
  6. James: Império do Brazil: A História da Cerveja - do Brasil Colônia ao século XXI - Semper em crescimento. In: Império do Brazil. Retrieved July 3, 2018 .