from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ChEBI ( Ch emical E ntities of B iological I nterest ) is a free encyclopedia of molecular entities with a focus on chemical compounds in metabolism occur beings. The term 'molecular entities' refers to any type of atom , molecule , ion , ion pair, radical, complex, conformation, etc.

ChEBI also offers an ontology with which the complex classification of chemical compounds can be illustrated using a tree structure.

The nomenclature , terminology and symbols used in ChEBI correspond to international standards and are recommended by the following committees:

Molecules that are coded directly by the genome (e.g. nucleic acids , proteins and peptides resulting from cleavage ) are generally not included in the ChEBI database .

All data stored at ChEBI are neither proprietary nor were they obtained from a proprietary source. This guarantees free access to the data. In addition, each data element can be traced back to its original source.

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