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The Plateau de Chambaran in the French department of Isère is a plateau of the Bas-Dauphiné (Niederdauphiné), which stretches with its gravel terraces , plateaus and mountainous lands in a section between the Rhone and the Alps . To the south, the Plateau de Chambaran drops steeply into the Isère valley opposite the foothills of the Vercors ; in the north, the Bièvre-Valloire valley is the boundary to the next of those higher Pleistocene gravel deposits, the Terres Froides. “Cold soils” is the translation into German, and this also describes the conditions on the Plateau de Chambaran, which oscillates around 700  m , with its permeable, nutrient-poor and moist soils. The harsh, rainy climate does not allow viticulture, fruit trees do not grow here and even the widespread forestry shows only coppice of no great value.

Right in the middle, about 80 km southwest of Lyon , lies the town of Roybon , a rural area where people live in hamlets and scattered houses. The closest major cities are Romans and Voiron . The Plateau de Chambaran is an old military training area, and with the beginning of the Second World War , the Camp de Chambaran became an internment camp for 750 German and Austrian nationals who had to do forest work there as “prestataires” (service providers) . Because of the approaching German troops, the camp was evacuated around June 21, 1940, but the marching column broke up after a few hours when the internees - among them politically persecuted - were able to convince the leadership of the advantage of independent escape in small groups.


  • René Lebeau (ed.): Atlas et Géographie de la Région Lyonnaise. Flammarion et Editions Famot, Paris 1976, ISBN 2-08-201302-2 , p. 243 f. ( Portrait de la France Moderne ).
  • Ernst Ulrich Große, Udo Kempf, Rudolf Michna: Rhône-Alpes. A European region in upheaval. Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-87061-748-9 , pp. 70-71.

Individual evidence

  1. Alain Dugrand and Frédéric Laurent: Willi Münzenberg. Artiste en révolution (1889–1940). Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris 2008, p. 542

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