Charlotte Mahler

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Charlotte Mahler (born November 4, 1894 in Krippehna ; † June 12, 1973 in Frankfurt am Main ) was chief physician at the Bürgerhospital in Frankfurt am Main for many years , and she did a great job of rebuilding it after the Second World War .

The daughter of the pastor Franz Mahler already lost her father at age five. Her mother also died in 1919, but had made it possible for her daughter to receive medical training. Charlotte Mahler passed her state examination in Halle an der Saale in the same year , received her license to practice medicine in 1921 and passed the doctoral examination two years later. She then continued to work at the University of Halle , but now as an assistant doctor in the Department of Surgical Tuberculosis . In 1926 she switched to the Frankfurt University Clinic as an assistant doctor , where she was appointed titular senior physician in the surgical department in 1929. For several years she was a senior physician, provisional head of the surgical university clinic from 1945 to 1946. In 1946 she completed her habilitation with a thesis on "Cleft lip, jaw and palate (360 operations)".

From 1947 to 1964 she was the chief physician of the surgical department of the Frankfurt am Main community hospital.

She received numerous awards, such as B. the plaque of honor of the city of Frankfurt am Main (1964) or the Great Cross of Merit .

Charlotte Mahler specialized in operations on the abdominal cavity and the so-called wolf's throat in children. Charlotte Mahler left a foster daughter. Her grave is in the main cemetery in Frankfurt .


  • Mahler, Schmieden: Surgical Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer (Hdb. D. Ges. Therapy, Vol. 1 (1926))
  • Mahler, Schmieden: Blood sedimentation test in surgical tuberculosis (Zbl. Chirurgie. 54 (1927), pp. 2079f.)
  • Mahler, Schmieden: Operations on the spine and the spinal cord (Surgical Operation Doctrine by Bier, Braun, Kümmell, Vol. 1)
  • Surgical tuberculosis (Hdb. D. Medical assessment, Vol. 1 (1931))
  • Mahler, Schmieden: Injuries to the Spine (Lectures on Practical Surgery, No. 2 (1943))
  • Mahler, Schmieden: Experience and assessment of spinal column fractures (Surgeon 3 (1931))
  • Mahler, Schmieden: Diagn. d. Tumor d. Glandula carotica (Medical Clinic (1935))
  • Treatment u. Relation of tubercular bone foci near the joint (Archive Clinical Surgery 178 (1933))
  • Mahler, Schmieden: The operation on the stomach (Chirurgische Operationslehre, Vol. 3, 6th edition, Barth, Leipzig 1933, pp. 36–150)
  • Type and treatment v. 360 clefts in the face, op. Id years 1935–1942 id surgeon. Univ.-Klin. Frankfurt / M. , Habil.Schr. 1945
  • Indication u. Technology d. Operations necessary in infancy and childhood (Medical (1954))


  • Koopmann, Christian: The surgeon Charlotte Mahler (1894–1973) . Diss. Med. dent. Frankfurt a. M. 1989
  • Boedecker, Elisabeth u. Maria-Meyer Plath: 50 years of postdoctoral qualifications for women in Germany . Goettingen 1974

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