Chione (daughter of Daidalion)

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Chione ( Greek  Χιόνη ) is the daughter of Daidalion in Greek mythology .

Because of her beauty, Chione had numerous suitors, including the gods Hermes and Apollo . She slept with both of them that same night, with Apollon waiting until dark to advertise while Hermes put the girl to sleep and abused her. With her Apollo fathered Philammon and Hermes fathered Autolycus , the father-in-law of Sisyphus and grandfather of Odysseus . Alternatively, Philonis is named as the mother of Philammon and Autolykos. Her desire went to Chione's head; she boasted of being a greater beauty than the goddess Artemis . Therefore she was killed by this one with her attribute , the arrows. Daidalion wept for his only daughter and jumped from a tip of Mount Parnassus , but Apollon turned him into the Daidalion (falcon) bird .

In later times, Chione was the name for a shameless woman.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 200; Ovid , Metamorphoses 11, 291-345.
  2. Iuvenal 1, 3, 136; Martial 1, 34, 7 and 3, 30, 4