Christian Gottlieb Kluge the Younger

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Christian Gottlieb Kluge the Younger (born August 6, 1742 in Wittenberg , † April 12, 1824 in Meißen ) was a German Protestant theologian and educator.


Born as the son of Christian Gottlieb Kluge the Elder , he attended the city school in Wittenberg and from 1756–1762 the electoral high school in Schulpforta . Then he moved back to his hometown, where he began studying at the University of Wittenberg . There he obtained the highest academic degree of a Magister in Philosophy on October 17, 1765 , after having obtained the permission to read a Magister Legens on December 5, 1766, held private lectures and on June 12, 1767 became an adjunct at the Philosophical Faculty of the Wittenbergers University admitted.

In Wittenberg he continued his theological studies, was admitted to the theological faculty of the university as a baccalaureate in 1768 and in 1770 became a deacon at the Wittenberg Castle Church . In 1771 he went as a pastor to the St. Afra Church and as an extraordinary high school professor in Schulpforta, in 1775 he became a pastor at the St. Afra Church in Meißen and high school professor for Hebrew at the electoral high school there. In 1802 he received his doctorate in theology, turned down the superintendent's position in Zahna in 1805 for reasons of age and was emmerged in 1821.

Selection of works

  • Diss. De elegantia dictionis poeticae in the membris humanis effectum loco positis. Wittenberg 1766, 1767
  • Short drafts of the sermons he gave in Schulpforta. 1773
  • The trust of a Christian community in its teachers, as faithful stewards of God's secrets. Meissen 1775 (trial sermon)
  • The Christian's eyes directed to God, as he must confess, my help comes from the Lord. Meißen 1775 (farewell sermon in Pforta)
  • What is God's purpose for natural and artificial smallpox? , Weißenfels 1777, along with a story of the blessed success of the Blattern inoculation in Saxony. Meissen 1777
  • The high value of Christian children with the adjusted belief in God, Meissen 1779 (inaugural sermon)
  • To Dr. Tittmann's hymnbook he added an appendix of short songs for young Christians, Meißen 1788
  • Have mercy on me! Sermon on the Evangelical Reminiscere, Meißen 1801
  • Diss. Inaugur. De verbis Paulinis ad Ebr. II. 2. Meissen 1802


  • Johann Christoph Adelung and Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico in which writers of all classes are described according to their most distinguished living conditions and writings. Leipzig 1897, Volume 7
  • Pastors' book of the ecclesiastical province of Saxony, Leipzig 2006, Volume 4, 590
  • Friedrich August Schmidt: New necrology of the Germans. Ilmenau 1826, 2nd year, 2nd issue, 1116
  • Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3 (1710-1812). Halle (Saale) 1966, 80
  • Friedrich August Weiz : The learned Saxony or directory of those in the Churfürstl. Saxon. and incorporated countries of contemporary writers and their writings. Leipzig 1780, 134