Christian Petry (Pedagogue)

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Christian Petry (born December 2, 1941 in Halle (Saale) ; † November 12, 2018 ) was a German historian, social scientist and educator. He was the managing director of the Freudenberg Foundation and co-founder of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation .


After studying sociology and history, Petry was a teacher at the comprehensive school in Weinheim from 1974. In 1984 Petry became managing director of the Freudenberg Foundation, also located in Weinheim, which pursued the integration and creation of democratic structures. As managing director of the Freudenberg Foundation, Petry decided on the financial support of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Petry was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.

In 2002, it was announced that Anetta Kahane one IN the Stasi had been Christian Petry defended this. At that time, Petry was Kahane's superior as managing director of the Freudenberg Foundation . Petry had known Kahane's work for the Stasi since 1990. According to a TAZ interview, Petry read Kahane's complete Stasi files as early as 1990: According to Petry, Kahane was arrested in 1974 when she tried to help a friend escape the republic. The next day she was recruited by the Stasi. Petry said in 2002 that Kahane's collaboration with the Stasi was "more of a heroic story". In addition, Kahane signed her declaration of commitment to cooperate with the Stasi in custody.

In 2011, the then Family Minister Kristina Schröder (CDU) asked foundations that received public funds to sign a declaration of commitment. With this declaration, foundations should undertake not to cooperate with anti-constitutional organizations and persons. Christian Petry then initiated a protest letter together with the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance , in which the required declaration of consent was described as a "snooping paragraph".

Web links


  • Students on the scaffold: The White Rose and its failure. Piper, Munich 1968
  • Curriculum development, teacher training, school counseling: evaluation report d. Regional pedagogy. Center in Aurich. Author. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1980. (Co-authors Detlef Berg and Jürgen Raschert)
  • The long road of educational reform: Gisela and Hermann Freudenberg on their 80th birthday. Beltz, Weinheim 2004. (Co-authors Gisela Freudenberg, Hermann Freudenberg, Hans-Henning Pistor)
Book contributions

Published writings

  • Living and learning in a multicultural society: 2nd Weinheim conversation. Weinheim, Beltz 1993.
  • Values ​​and education: can school contribute to the ability to bond? 4th Weinheim conversation . Petry; Karin Sitte Published by Weinheim Beltz 1996
  • Right-wing extremist youth - what to do ?: 5th Weinheimer Interview . Weinheim, Beltz 1999.

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Obituary for Christian Petry. In: Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Retrieved on August 9, 2019 (German).
  3. A spider web lies across the country - with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation right in the middle. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  4. JEANNETTE GODDAR: Kahane known IM activity . In: The daily newspaper: taz . October 12, 2002, ISSN  0931-9085 , p. 7 ( [accessed on August 10, 2019]).
  5. Employer stands behind Anetta Kahane. Retrieved August 9, 2019 .
  6. Ralf Beste: FUNDING: Enemies of Democracy . In: Spiegel Online . tape 3 , January 17, 2011 ( [accessed August 10, 2019]).