Christian Scharfenberg

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Karl Friedrich Christian Scharfenberg (born September 7, 1806 in Beerfelden , † May 29, 1853 in Michelstadt ) was a German medic .


After attending eds grammar school in Wertheim and Darmstadt , Christian Wertheim went to study at the University of Giessen . During his studies he became a member of the old Gießen fraternity Germania in the winter semester of 1825/26 . He was also a member of the Corps Vandalia I and later honorary member of the Corps Vandalia II. The study of medicine , he completed in 1833 with the promotion of Dr. med. from. After taking the Physicats exam in 1837, he settled in Michelstadt as a general practitioner. In 1838 he was appointed Grand Ducal Hessian Physician in Michelstadt. In 1839 he was appointed as Count's Erbach-Fürstenau personal physician . Later until his death he was a district doctor for the Erbach district .

In 1842 he founded a hydropathic institute in Michelstadt, the Michelstadt cold water institute, in which he also pursued further training in hydrology . Carl von Mettenheimer was one of his students . The institution was initially based in the Villa Kalkhof and was moved to the newly constructed building at Frankfurter Straße 3 in 1850, which has served as a town house since 1972 under the name Former Kaltwasseranstalt . Both buildings are now among the cultural monuments of Hesse.

After the death of the Orthodox rabbi of Michelstadt Isaac Löw Wormser in 1847, Scharfenberg, himself a Protestant, called for a donation call for his widow and orphans as a member of a committee.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Wentzcke : Fraternity lists. Second volume: Hans Schneider and Georg Lehnert: Gießen - The Gießener Burschenschaft 1814 to 1936. Görlitz 1942, F. Germania. No. 157.
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 59 , 11; 59 , 25
  3. ^ Grand Ducal Hessian Government Gazette, No. 25, June 3, 1853, p. 388 ( digitized version)
  4. ^ Cultural monuments in Hesse: Villa Kalkhof, Michelstadt, Odenwaldkreis
  5. Cultural monuments in Hesse: Former Kaltwasseranstalt, Michelstadt, Odenwaldkreis
  6. Appeal for donations for the family of the late Rabbi Isaak Löb Wormser (1847)