Christian Vegger

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Christian Vegger (born October 28, 1915 in Kousted ; † September 15, 1992 ) was a Danish lieutenant general , chief of the army and resistance fighter against the German occupation of Dänermak in World War II.


Vegger was born in 1915 as the son of the farm owner PB Vegger († 1957) and his wife Calra, née Thomsen, († 1934). In 1935 he was a student at Randers Statsskole . He then joined the Danish Army as an infantryman and was appointed Prime Lieutenant in 1940 . Vegger fled to Sweden on November 1, 1943 and joined the Dansk Brigade in February 1944. In the Dansk Brigade he kept his rank as Prime Lieutenant.

After the war, Vegger stayed in the Danish army. 1945 to 1946 he was a liaison officer with British officers' schools. In 1949 he became a captain , in 1956 he became a lieutenant colonel and in 1963 a colonel . In 1964 he became chief of the royal body regiment. In 1967 he became major general and chief of the army staff. From 1972 to 1976 Vegger was Chief of the Army, in 1976 he became Lieutenant General and Chief of the Defense Forces, the latter he remained until 1980.

Web links


  1. a b c Entry in Kraks Blå Bog from 1974
  2. Entry on .
  3. ^ Entry in the database of the Frihedsmuseet.