Christoph Grote

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Christoph Grote (born July 13, 1965 ) was managing director of the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung in Vechta until the end of October 2018 . Previously, he was editor-in-chief of the Hanover daily Neue Presse (NP), the Stuttgarter Nachrichten and Sonntag Aktuell .


Grote completed his editorial training (the traineeship ) in Münster at Kirche + Leben , which, according to its own statements, is the largest diocese newspaper in Germany with more than 300,000 readers. Grote also made a stop at the Institute for the Promotion of Young Journalists (ifp) - the Catholic Church's journalism school. He then got a job as an editor at Auto Zeitung in Cologne. Then he was an editor at the church newspaper for the diocese of Hildesheim . This was followed by positions at the Nordwest-Zeitung and the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung in his hometown of Vechta . In 1995 Grote switched to the Madsack publishing company in Hanover. There he was initially an editor at the NP in the Lower Saxony / Miscellaneous department, then he moved to the local department, responsible for local politics. He then became head of the series & campaigns department at the NP, and in 1998 he became head of the NP local editorial team. On April 1, 2003, the Madsack publishing company appointed him editor-in-chief of the so-called Heimatzeitungen - seven independent local sections from the Hanover region, which are attached to the NP and the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, which is also published by Madsack .

On July 1, 2005, Grote was appointed editor-in-chief of the NP, after the previous editor-in-chief Ulrich Neufert had switched to the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung. During his time at Madsack, Grote won numerous journalism prizes, including - with colleagues - one from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for the consumer series “Troublemaker Customer, King Customer”. It has also received several European Newspaper Awards, including for exemplary newspaper layout. In addition, Grote is the recipient of the Christophorus Prize, an award for exemplary reporting on the subject of road safety.

Grotesque work met with criticism from trade unionists. During his work at the Madsack publishing group, for example, he informed the editors via email that freelancers were not allowed to earn more than 100 euros a day for sub-local editions.

On November 1, 2007, Grote took over the editor-in-chief of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten . Together with the affiliated sister newspapers, the paper had a sold circulation of 381,884 copies (IV / 2005). In their own coverage of the change, the Stuttgarter Nachrichten quoted Grote as saying: “ The way people communicate, but also how they use media, will continue to change due to the Internet. Media companies that are open to these change processes have a great opportunity to attract new user groups to their established brands ”. The grotesque successor in Hanover was Harald John, previously head of the “Region Hanover” and “City” and “Culture” departments.

In Stuttgart, as editor-in-chief of the Stuttgarter Nachrichten, he was responsible for a working group that was supposed to prepare a relaunch of Sonntag Aktuell , the seventh edition of the two Stuttgart daily newspapers. The previous editors told Grote that they were making a newspaper with “far too many people” that was “weepy, fussy” and “random”. The editorial office was closed in mid-January 2010, and Grote also became editor-in-chief of “Sonntag Aktuell”.

In July 2010, Grote left the Stuttgarter Nachrichten and moved to become managing director of the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung in Vechta, which he left at the end of October 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Head of editorial office at Madsack cuts the fees to Freie by e-mail ; Communication from ver.di from January 2004
  2. "News from the Hills"  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Communication from ver.di from July 2009@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. Sunday news: "Hostile takeover" report in the Kress branch of July 10, 2009

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