Christopher Trumbo

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Christopher Trumbo (born September 25, 1940 in Los Angeles , California - † January 8, 2011 in Ojai , California) was an American screenwriter .


Christopher Trumbo is the son of Cleo and Dalton Trumbo . When he was seven years old, his father was banned from his profession and sentenced to prison by the Un-American Activities Committee . In 1951 the family moved to Mexico City , where they lived together with the family of screenwriter Hugo Butler , who was also on the blacklist . After two years, the family moved back to Los Angeles, where they settled in Highland Park . Trumbo attended Franklin High School there and graduated from Columbia University in 1963 .

From 1967 Trumbo worked as a screenwriter. He made his debut as a screenwriter for a feature film with Der Don ist tot . Together with Michael Butler he had adapted a novel by Marvin H. Albert . He wrote other films such as Brannigan - A Man of Steel and NY - Streets of Death . In particular, it was important to him to restore his father's reputation. With Trumbo: Red, White and Blacklisted, he wrote a play which, based on the original diary entries, reproduced his experience with the ban on the profession. The play was filmed with the documentary in 2007. He also tried throughout his life to have his father's authorship of the comedy A Heart and a Crown recognized. The Writers Guild of America approved the request on December 19, 2011, about 11 months after Christopher Trumbo and 35 years after Dalton Trumbo passed away.

Trumbo died on January 8, 2011 at the age of 70 of complications from his cancer . He left behind his wife, Nancy Escher.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Blacklisted writer gets credit restored after 60 years for Oscar-winning film ,
  2. Christopher Trumbo dies at 70; screen and TV writer whose father was blacklisted ,