Cladonia cervicornis

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Cladonia cervicornis
Cladonia cervicornis subsp cervicornis 1.jpg

Cladonia cervicornis

Class : Lecanoromycetes
Subclass : Lecanoromycetidae
Order : Lecanorales
Family : Cladoniaceae
Genre : Cladonia
Type : Cladonia cervicornis
Scientific name
Cladonia cervicornis
( Oh. ) Flot.

Cladonia cervicornis (Ach.) Flot. ( syn. Cladonia cervicornis (Ach.) Flot. subsp. cervicornis ) is a species of lichen fromthe Cladoniaceae family .


Macroscopic features

The thallus scales are up to 3 mm long, ascending and forming dense, leafy turfs. In the end they are ascending and bent back. The underside is whitish and the upper side is gray-green and without soredia. The podiums are up to 2 cm long, irregularly cup-shaped, gray-green, areolized barked and without soredia. The rim of the cup has a wart-shaped elevation (like a crown). Further podiums grow out of the cup rims. The apothecia are brown.

Spot reaction

The thallus scales show no reaction with potassium hydroxide (K-) (or K + slightly yellowish at the edge) and with para-phenylenediamine (P +) orange-red. Podetia show no reaction with potassium hydroxide (K-) and red with para-phenylenediamine (P +).

Lichen Ingredients

Fumarprotocetraric acid


  • Teuvo Ahti: Nordic Lichen Flora Volume 5: Cladoniaceae . P. 27, Naturcentrum (June 1, 2013), ISBN 978-9185221295
  • Volkmar Wirth, Markus Hauk & Matthias Schultz: The lichens of Germany Volume 1 . P. 386 (71 *), P. 393, Eugen Ulmer KG, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8001-5903-1

Web links

Commons : Cladonia cervicornis  - album with pictures, videos and audio files