Claire Amitié

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Claire Amitié ( Real Friendship , also known as Friends of Light ) is an association of believers in the Roman Catholic Church . The association was founded in France in 1946 by Thérèse Cornillin and recognized by the Holy See in 1993 .


Thérèse Cornille (1917–1989), who was committed to Catholic Action in France, decided in 1946 to look after young women and girls. She founded reception centers and helped those who came from poor backgrounds. Their goal was to offer the residents a home that offered them a family-like character. With the help of Cardinal Achille Liénart , Archbishop of Lille , she opened the first open house in Roubaix in 1946 . Other houses followed in France and later overseas. The canonical foundation of the association took place in 1975, on May 13, 1993 the association was recognized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity as an international association of believers under papal law and included in the official register .


The social association Claire Amitié is concerned with the rehabilitation of young girls and women who were denied access to society. In the “Clair Logis” centers, young people may experience a family environment for the first time. The centers work closely with the local parish with the permission of the local bishop . Thereby they guarantee a Christian and community life in different groups. The caregivers are trained and, after a six-month trial period, are prepared for their task in a five-year training period. In addition, the supervisors receive ongoing training.


Together with eight other associations, the association manages fifteen community houses and has 277 associated and permanent members. Permanent members are those who have chosen a celibate life for the sake of living and are committed to community and service to people. The associated members are married or unmarried men and women who feel committed to the tasks of the association. The highest governance body is represented by a president and general director, and a council is attached to them. Claire Amitié is represented worldwide:


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thérèse Cornille et "Claire Amitié" ( Memento of October 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Les Amis de Clair Logis et Claire Amitié (AMICLA) [1]