Clara Reust

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Clara Reust (* 1916 , † 2000 ) was a Swiss Rassehygienikerin and the second charge of racial hygiene - racist so-called Children's Fund Children of the Street of the Swiss foundation Pro Juventute .


In 1944, Clara Reust completed an apprenticeship at the social charity women's school in Lucerne with a thesis on social services in Glarus industry . Then she worked as a carer for the Seraphic Love Work in Lucerne . She then worked as a self-appointed guardian for Pro Juventute. In 1958 or 1960 she replaced Alfred Siegfried as head of the children on Landstrasse . Together with Siegfried, she was primarily responsible for the practices practiced there on travelers . In 1973, “Kinder der Landstrasse” was dissolved and Reust left Pro Juventute in 1975. She was never convicted in court for her acts against travelers.

Clara Reust was a religious sister .


  • Mariella Mehr : Stone Age. Zytglogge, Gümligen 1981.
  • Lukas Gschwend: The Pro Juventute's “Aid Organization for the Children of the Landstrasse” - a case of genocide in Switzerland? In: Andreas Donatsch, Marc Forster, Christian Schwarzenegger (eds.): Criminal law, criminal procedure law and human rights. Festschrift for Stefan Trechsel for his 65th birthday. Zurich 2002, pp. 373–392. Excerpts online
  • Thomas Huonker , On the way between persecution and recognition, forms and perspectives of integration and exclusion of Yeniche, Sinti and Roma in Switzerland from 1800 to today , final scientific report, NRP 51 “Integration and Exclusion”, Zurich 2006, online
  • Sara Galle, Thomas Meier : Of people and files. The " Kinder der Landstrasse " campaign by the Pro Juventute Foundation , Zurich 2009.