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without rank: Amorphea
without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Myxogastria
Order : Echinosteliida
Family : Clastodermidae
Genre : Clastoderma
Scientific name
Blytt , 1880

Clastoderma is a genus of slime molds from the order of the Echinosteliida . It includes four types.


The brown sporangia measure 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters in diameter, the stem is dark, the columella very short or completely absent. The peridium breaks down into individual platelets at maturity, which, however, remain fused at the extreme ends of the scalp . The scalp grows from the tip of the columella or the attachment of the sporangium and consists of multiple branched and again anastomosing threads, which are sometimes fused together at their outer ends on the peridial platelets. The spores are light brown.


The genus is paleotropic as well as neotropic . The nominate form of Clastoderma debaryanum is common and widespread and colonizes deadwood on the ground, while the imperatorium variety is rarer and, like the other three species of the genus, colonizes the bark of living trees.

Systematics and research history

The genus was first described by Mathias Numsen Blytt in 1880 , the type species is Clastoderma debaryanum . The genus includes four species:


Footnotes directly behind a statement cover the individual statement, footnotes directly behind a punctuation mark the entire preceding sentence. Footnotes after a space refer to the entire preceding paragraph.

  1. ^ A b Marie L. Farr: Myxomycetes . In: Flora Neotropica . tape 16 . The New York Botanical Garden, New York 1976, ISBN 0-89327-009-1 , pp. 101 .
  2. ^ A b Uno H. Eliasson, Harold W. Keller: The genus Clastoderma: taxonomic evaluation and infraspecific variation of C. debaryanum In: Mycological Research, Volume 100, Issue 5, 1996, pp. 601-609
  3. a b Michael J. Dykstra, Harold W. Keller: Mycetozoa In: John J. Lee, GF Leedale, P. Bradbury (Eds.): An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa . tape 2 . Allen, Lawrence 2000, ISBN 1-891276-23-9 , pp. 977 .