Claude Geffré

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Claude Geffré OP (born January 23, 1926 in Niort , † February 9, 2017 in Paris ) was a French Roman Catholic theologian .


Claude Geffré joined in 1948 the Congregation of the Dominicans at and studied philosophy and theology at the Dominican College in Saulchoir . In 1957 he was at the Angelicum in Rome to Dr. theol. PhD . He was Professor of Dogmatics (1957–1968) and President of the Dominican College in Saulchoir (1965–1968), Professor of Fundamental Theology at the UFR (Unité de formation et de recherche) and Religious Studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) (1968–1988) ), Director of theological doctoral studies at the ICP (1973–1984) and Professor of Hermeneutics and Theology of Religion (1988–1996) at the Institut Catholique de Paris. Geffré has held visiting professorships in Brussels, Sherbrooke, Friborg, Quebec, Atlanta, Kinshasa, Ottawa and Yaoundé since 1972.

From 1996 to 1999 he succeeded Marcel Sigrist as director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem in Jerusalem, founded in 1890 . He was considered a pioneer of interreligious dialogue and was widely recognized in non-Christian religions. He was a member of the Conférence mondiale des religions (World Conference on Religion) and the Groupe de recherche islamo-chrétien (Islamic-Christian research group).

honors and awards

Individual evidence

  1. Mort du grand théorien Claude Geffré . Le Figaro , February 9, 2017, accessed February 11, 2017 (French).
  2. Céline Hoyeau: Décès de Claude Geffré, théologien de la rencontre des religions . La Croix , February 9, 2017, accessed February 11, 2017 (French).