Claus-Dieter König

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Claus-Dieter König is a German political scientist and politician , between 2006 and 2007 (as a "double head") together with Margot Gudd, state chairman of the Linkspartei.PDS in Rhineland-Palatinate . For a short time he was a member of the transitional state executive committee of the new Die Linke party .


First in Leverkusen grew, King put his Abitur in Rhineland-Palatinate Neustadt an der Weinstraße from. After studying political science (focus: political economy , international relations and Africa customer ) at the University of Marburg , he also worked there as a research assistant. However, he ultimately decided to retrain to become a software consultant. After working in Freiburg and Worms , he has been living in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse again since 2006.


In his youth, Claus-Dieter König was active in student representation and in the field of youth work. As part of his community service in Cologne , he got involved in the anti- apartheid movement and was at times spokesman for the BAG Internationalism for the Greens .

During his studies, König was involved in the AStA via the Linke Liste there and in the anti-racist project Flight and Migration . Through the union's youth education work, he came to the education and science union , where he was a member of the main board as federal student spokesman. As a research assistant, he was a temporary member of the staff council .

König belonged to the executive committee of the Left Party in the Worms district. At the Worms state party conference in August 2006, he was elected chairman of the Left Party in Rhineland-Palatinate. He is also active at attac and the Jenny Marx Society .

Within the Left Party, König belongs to the undogmatic left . His political focus is on the introduction of a general basic income as well as another concept of work in which human activity is assessed in terms of its benefits for society as a whole. In addition, he advocates non-violence in solving international conflicts and ecological action.

At the constituent state party convention of the newly founded DIE LINKE party in Rhineland-Palatinate on October 6, 2007, König ran for various functions; he was then elected as a member of the state arbitration commission.

Books and articles

  • Swiss Association for Marxist Studies (ed.): The new face of racism. With contributions by Claus-Dieter König. Bern: VMS-Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3908438063
  • Civil society and democratization in Nigeria , in the series 'Democracy and Development' (Volume 13), Münster: LIT-Verlag, 1994, ISBN 3894735325
  • Political Action of the Urban Poor in Kenya , in the series 'Democracy and Development' (Volume 29). Münster: LIT-Verlag, 1998, ISBN 3825835715

Web links