Clayton vehicle A.

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Clayton vehicle A.
Clayton Vehicle A.jpg
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Ship type Steamship
Shipyard Norddeutsche Maschinen- & Armaturenfabrik , Bremen
Build number 9
Whereabouts unknown
Ship dimensions and crew
15.00 m ( Lüa )
width 4.00 m
Draft Max. 0.90 m
displacement 30  t
measurement 23 GRT
Machine system
machine Steam engine
propeller 1

The Clayton vehicle A was a disinfection and fire fighting vehicle in the colony of German East Africa .


Clayton apparatus of the North German machine and armatures factory in Bremen

The Clayton vehicle A was built in Bremen in 1906 on behalf of the colonial department for the Dar es Salaam port authority as a disinfection and fire-fighting vehicle. It was equipped with a fire pump with an output of 150 t of water per hour and a "Clayton type B" apparatus. In the apparatus, sulfur was burned to sulfur dioxide by means of forced air . After cooling, the combustion gases could be introduced into rooms by mechanical devices. This procedure was used for sulfur fumigation on ships in order to destroy the brood of mosquitoes and rats . This was to fight the plague that occurred in Dar es Salaam . With the floating Clayton apparatus of the vehicle named after him, ships or possibly other possible breeding grounds of the Anopheles mosquito accessible from the sea were fumigated. A ship was disinfected by order of the medical authority or the port doctor or upon private request. The costs ranged from 30 to 275 rupees, depending on the size of the ship and the ship's rooms to be disinfected . The port authority was responsible for receiving the applications and the fees.

At the end of 1906 the disinfection and fire-fighting vehicle was transferred from Germany to Dar es Salaam by the princess .

His whereabouts are not known.


  • Erich Gröner : The German warships 1815-1945. Volume 7, Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz 1990, pp. 220-221.
  • E. Immerschitt: fire extinguishing, disinfection and rat extermination apparatus on board ships. In: The Zeitgeist. Monthly educational organ of the German Metalworkers' Association. 4th volume (1911), No. 11, p. 543 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Gustav Giemsa : Rattenvernichtung , in: Heinrich Schnee (ed.): German Colonial Lexicon . Volume 3, Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1920, p. 128 f.
  2. ^ Clayton apparatus , in: Heinrich Schnee (ed.): German Colonial Lexicon. Volume 1, Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1920, p. 275.
  3. Without author: A disinfection and fire-fighting vehicle for German East Africa. In: Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. Vol. 23 (1906), Issue No. 18 of May 5, 1906, p. 178 ( online ).
  4. Fee tariff for the use of the disinfection device System Clayton of the Imperial Gouvernement of German East Africa in the port of Dar es Salaam. From September 18, 1907. in: Imperial Gouvernement of German East Africa (Hrsg.): The state legislation of the German East African protected area . 2nd ed., Tanga / Daressalam 1911, p. 511 ( online ).