Clemens Cording

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Clemens Cording (2019)

Clemens Cording (born January 27, 1945 in Hamburg ) was Deputy Director of the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Regensburg District Hospital and is an honorary professor at the University of Regensburg .


Cording completed his medical studies as a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation from 1965 to 1971 at the University of Heidelberg and at the University of Glasgow in Great Britain . Between 1971 and 1973 he continued his studies with the subjects psychology and sociology in Heidelberg and at the LMU Munich. From 1974 to 1975 he worked as a medical assistant in Munich and began further training in psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy .

From 1975 to 1978 Cording was a research assistant in the psychiatric and neurological department of the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich. From 1978 to 1979 he was an assistant doctor at the Haar District Hospital and in 1979 became a specialist in psychiatry. From 1979 to 1984 he worked as a senior physician in the adult psychiatry department at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich. In 1981 his specialist title was expanded to include the addition of psychotherapy . He received his doctorate from the LMU Munich in 1982. In 1985, his psychotherapeutic qualification was further expanded to include the additional title of psychoanalysis . Between 2003 and 2004, Cording acquired the "Forensic Psychiatry" certificate from the DGPPN and the specialization "Forensic Psychiatry" from the Bavarian State Medical Association .

Between 1985 and 2006 he was Deputy Director of the Regensburg District Hospital. Since 2001 he has been an honorary professor at the University of Regensburg and a member of the Philosophical Faculty II. Cording took early retirement in 2006 in order to have more time for his theoretical and practical expert work (specializing in civil law assessments in the area of ​​business and testability).

Cording has lectured at the Philosophical Faculty II of the University of Regensburg on psychopathology , at the Law Faculty of the same university on forensic psychiatry , and at the University of Mainz he held a lectureship on religious psychopathology.

Cording was married to the psychoanalyst Sieglinde Tömmel, and they have two children.


The focus of his scientific work was psychiatric health services research (between 1997 and 2006 he was head of the working group health services research and social psychiatry at the chair for psychiatry at the University of Regensburg ), social psychiatry and civil law aspects of forensic psychiatry . His special focus here is the posthumous assessment of the deceased's business and testamentary capacity. The handbook he published together with Norbert Nedopil is considered a standard work. Another area of ​​work was the history of psychiatry. Here, Cording has presented detailed documentation of the processes in the Karthaus-Prüll sanatorium, the predecessor institution of the Regensburg District Hospital, during the Nazi era .

With his initiative against unjustified discrimination against mentally ill people, which he began in 1992 through the Federal Central Register Act (BZRG). he made a significant contribution to its amendment in 2002

In 2019, the Federal Constitutional Court appointed Cording as an expert on the subject of personal responsibility for assisted suicide .

Memberships in scientific specialist societies

  • 1995–2006: Head of the "Documentation" section of the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology ( DGPPN )
  • since 1996: Founding member of the Section on Quality Assurance of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
  • 2004–2016: Specialist advisor and examiner of the Bavarian State Medical Association for the focus "Forensic Psychiatry"
  • since 2013: Member of the Independent Expert Commission for Law and Psychiatry of the DGPPN

Fonts (selection)

  • C. Cording, H. Saß: Standards and errors in the assessment of business and testability. In: Forensic Psychiatry, Psychology, Criminology. 11, 2017, pp. 228-233.
  • C. Cording, G. Roth: Civil law responsibility and neurobiology - a contradiction? In: New legal weekly. 68, 2015, pp. 26–31.
  • C. Cording, N. Nedopil (Ed.): Psychiatric Assessments in Civil Law - A Handbook for Practice. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich 2014.
  • C. Cording: On the importance of delusionalism and schizophrenia in assessing legal capacity . In: M. Lammel, S. Sutarski, S. Lau, M. Bauer (eds.): Wahn and schizophrenia - psychopathology and forensic relevance. Med. Wiss. Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin 2011, pp. 165–175.
  • C. Cording: Criteria for establishing testamentary (in) ability. In: Journal for Inheritance Law and Property Succession. 17, 2010, pp. 115-121.
  • C. Cording: evidence to clarify the testamentary (in) ability. In: Journal for Inheritance Law and Property Succession. 17, 2010, pp. 23-28.
  • C. Cording, H. Saß: Assessment of the 'free determination of will' in the case of suicide in life insurance. In: Neurologist. 80, 2009, pp. 1070-1077.
  • C. Cording: education and documentation. In: HJ Möller, G. Laux, H.-P. Kapfhammer (ed.): Psychiatry and psychotherapy. 3. Edition. Springer, Berlin 2007, chap. 81
  • C. Cording: Assessment of business and testability. In: B. Widder, P. Gaidzik (Ed.): Assessment in neurology. RRN - reference series neurology. Thieme, Stuttgart 2007, pp. 168-173.
  • C. Cording: Relative free will and civil responsibility. In: M. Heinze, T. Fuchs, F. Reischies (eds.): Freedom of will - an illusion? Naturalism and Psychiatry. Parodos & Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich 2006, pp. 223-246.
  • H. Hausner, M. Wittmann, C. Cording: Forensic Psychiatry in Transition. In: Hospital Psychiatry. 17, 2006, pp. 68-73.
  • R. Schmid, H. Spießl, C. Cording: The situation of siblings of mentally ill people. In: Fortschr Neurol Psychiat. 73, 2005, pp. 736-749.
  • B. Hübner-Liebermann, H. Spießl, K. Iwai, C. Cording: Treatment of schizophrenia - Implications derived from an intercultural hospital comparison between Germany and Japan. In: International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 51, (1), 2005, pp. 83-96.
  • C. Cording: The assessment of testamentary (in) ability. In: Fortschr Neurol. Psychiatry. 72, 2004, pp. 147-159.
  • C. Cording, W. Weig (Ed.): Between coercion and care. The psychiatry laws of the German states. German Science Publishing House Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden 2003.
  • U. Frick, S. Krischker, C. Cording: Voluntary hospital comparisons for external quality assurance in psychiatry - final report on the research project to the Federal Minister of Health. (= Research report . 306). Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security, Bonn 2003.
  • R. Schmid, H. Spießl, C. Cording, A. Vukovich: Burdens on relatives and their expectations of psychiatric institutions - literature review and own results. In: Fortschr Neurol Psychiat. 71, 2003, pp. 118-128.
  • C. Cording: Plea for a new paradigm of psychiatric quality assurance. In: Psychiatric Practice. 30, 2003, pp. 225-229. (Also in: F. Ramseyer, R. Genner, H. Brenner (Eds.): Swiss Psychiatry Care in International Comparison - Bern Talks on Social Psychiatry. Zurich, pp. 65–77)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Clemens Cording: Legal capacity and its sub-forms . In: Clemens Cording, Norbert Nedopil (Hrsg.): Psychiatric expert opinions in civil law - A manual for practice . Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich 2014, ISBN 978-3-89967-951-9 , pp. 29-128 .
  2. Bernhard Widder: Book Review on Psychiatric Assessments in Civil Law - A Handbook for Practice . In: The medical expert . No. 4 . Gentner, 2015, p. 156 ( ).
  3. Clemens Cording: The Regensburg sanatorium and nursing home Karthaus-Prüll in the “Third Reich” - a study on the history of National Socialism. Deutscher Wissenschaftsverlag, Würzburg 2000, ISBN 3-9806424-4-5 .
  4. Clemens Cording: Memorandum and resolutions to amend the BZRG. In: Spectrum of Neurology and Psychiatry. 21, 1992, pp. 201-201 and 268.
  5. Clemens Cording: acquittal according to Section 20 StGB - 'for life' in the Federal Central Register. In: Defense lawyer. 15, 1995, pp. 48-52.
  6. 4. BRZGÄndG of April 23, 2002 (Federal Law Gazette I No. 27, April 29, 2002).
  7. ^ Marlene Grunert: Lawsuit in Karlsruhe. Is there a right to die? The Federal Constitutional Court is reviewing the ban on euthanasia. In FAZ on April 17, 2019, accessed on April 16, 2020.
  8. Judgment of the Second Senate of February 26, 2020 - 2 BvR 2347/15, Rn.179 Federal Constitutional Court: Principles on the judgment of the Second Senate of February 26, 2020 , accessed on April 16, 2020.
  9. Expert Commission - Forensic Psychiatry - Papers - The DGPPN - DGPPN Society. Retrieved October 26, 2017 .