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Clocolan (South Africa)
Coordinates 28 ° 55 ′  S , 27 ° 34 ′  E Coordinates: 28 ° 55 ′  S , 27 ° 34 ′  E
Basic data
Country South Africa


free State
District Thabo Mofutsanyana
local community Setsoto
height 1580 m
Residents 1349 (2011)
founding 1906
Scene in Clocolan
Scene in Clocolan

Clocolan is a city in the South African province of Free State . It is located in the Setsoto community in the Thabo Mofutsanyana district . The city is located in the eastern part of the Free State Highlands at an altitude of 1,580 meters on the border with Lesotho . In 2011 it had 1,349 inhabitants (census), the neighboring township of Hlohlolwane had 16,253 inhabitants.

The Basotho area was originally inhabited. A European trader set up a shop in a cave in the mountains. The city was founded in 1906 near the cave. It was named after the Sesotho -Word Hlohlolwane , which is difficult to pronounce for European settlers , the name for the nearby mountains.

Individual evidence

  1. Clocolan , accessed November 24, 2013
  2. Hlohlolwane , accessed on July 7, 2017