Coenraet Roepel

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Coenraet Roepel ( Richard van Bleeck and Coenraet Roepel)
Still life (oil on canvas; 85.1 × 57.8 cm)

Coenraet Roepel (* 1678 in The Hague ; † 1748 there ) was a Dutch painter .


The portrait painter Constantyn Netscher became his teacher. Roepel preferred to paint still lifes with flowers and fruits and worked together with Matthias Terwesten. He enrolled in the Confrerie Pictura in 1718. Works attributed to Roepel are known from 1715 to 1738.


Works by Roepel can be found in the

Web links

  • Biography on (English)

Individual evidence

  1. Iceland (Terres Australes Et Antarctiqu): Catalog Des Peintures Du Musee De L'etat a Amsterdam . BiblioBazaar, 2009, ISBN 978-1-110-21503-4 , pp. 140 (French, 250 p., Limited preview in Google Book Search - new edition).