Conny Rudhof

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Conny Rudhof boxer
Birth Name Conny Rudhof
Weight class Light welterweight
nationality German
birthday June 19, 1934
place of birth Mainz-Kostheim
Date of death 2nd December 1984
Place of death Mainz
Combat Statistics
Struggles 84
Victories 67
Knockout victories 29
Defeats 10
draw 6th
No value 1

Konrad "Conny" Rudhof (born June 19, 1934 in Mainz-Kostheim , † December 2, 1984 in Mainz ) was a German professional boxer who was German champion and European champion.


Rudhof's professional career lasted from 1957 to 1968. In December 1958, he boxed in his 13th professional fight against the experienced Italian and later two-time world champion Duilio Loi , who at that time had already contested more than one hundred professional fights. Rudhof lost the fight in Turin over ten rounds on points.

On August 29, 1959, with a knockout in the ninth round against Rudi Langer, he was German lightweight champion and defended the title five times until 1962, including twice against Harry Kurschat and Langer. In 1963 Conny Rudhof also won the German welterweight championship.

Rudhof won the European lightweight championship on September 29, 1963 by winning points against the Italian Giordano Campari, but lost the European title in his first title defense on February 14, 1964 in Helsinki to the Finn Olli Mäki. Another meeting with Mäki in May 1965 in Berlin ended in a draw. From 1967 Rudhof boxed light welterweight. On February 1, 1967, he fought in Frankfurt am Main for the European championship in this weight class, his opponent was again the Finn Olli Mäki, against whom he was able to win in the third duel for the first time. But he only held this European Championship title for a few months, again in the first title defense he was defeated by the Austrian Hans Orsolics .

On November 22, 1984, Rudhof collapsed in his apartment after complaining of a severe headache. Despite attempts by the emergency doctor to resuscitate, Rudhof never woke up from the coma. He died on December 2, 1984 in the intensive care unit of the Mainz University Hospital .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b After an eleven day coma: Conny Rudhof † . In: Reutlinger Generalanzeiger of December 3, 1984, p. 21