Constantin Andreas von Regel

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Constantin Andreas von Regel

Constantin Andreas von Regel ( Lithuanian Konstantinas Regelis ; born August 10, 1890 in Saint Petersburg , † May 22, 1970 in Zurich ) was a Russian-Lithuanian botanist. Its botanical author abbreviation is " C.Regel ".


Constantin Andreas von Regel became a private lecturer at the University of Dorpat in 1919 , and in 1921 Dr. Phil. At the University of Würzburg , then full professor at the University of Kaunas (Kowno), 1923 director of the botanical garden there. From 1940 to 1943 he was conservator Herbier Boissier in Geneva , from 1941 also private lecturer there, 1952 full professor in Baghdad , 1956 professor in Istanbul , 1958 to 1959 full professor in Kabul , 1961 a. D. in Graz , 1970 university professor and director of the Institute for Systematic Botany at the Ege University in Izmir-Bornova , member of several scientific societies, among others in Scandinavia and Brazil.

He explored arctic Russia. His subjects were plant geography , plant sociology and applied botany.

He was the grandson of Eduard August von Regel .


  • Werner Keyl: The Gotha family of scholars Regel and their descendants . In: Central German family studies . Issue 1/1985, page 68

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Notes and individual references

  1. Kaunas Botanical Garden in the Lithuanian Wikipedia