Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe

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CDN Logo whites small.jpg
Basic data
Establishment date: December 2002
Elena Bliznakovska,
Benjamin Grochowski
Treasurer: Irina Dragan

FYEG-CDN coordinator :
Mariana Peneva
member organizations:
Elena Bliznakovska
Network coordinator: Milan Mitrovic
Office coordinator: Stevan Petrovic
(as of October 2008)
(as of November 2006)

The Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (short name: CDN ) is a network of green youth organizations in Central , Eastern and Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus .


CDN was founded in December 2002 with the aim of providing help and support to green youth organizations in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, primarily through mutual exchange. Above all, by providing a network that can work independently of the structures of green work with Western European characteristics, existing skills should be passed on and new fields of political work opened up. Another factor was the recognition of the fact that certain methodologies and claims - due to green ideology - have to be adapted to the conditions in Eastern Europe.

The first activity carried out under the structures of the CDN was the Summer Camp 2003 in Jahorina, Bosnia, with 80 young participants from all over Europe under the title “Peace and Reconciliation in the Balkans”. The Summer Camp has established itself as a continuous activity of the CDN on an annual basis. This was followed by summer camps in Ohrid, Macedonia, with the title “Sustainable Peace & Prosperity in the Balkans”, in Costineşti , Romania, with the title “Human trafficking in Eastern Europe” and in Kopaonik, Serbia, with the title “European cultures - strengthening diversity “Hosted. For 2007 a summer camp is planned in Ukraine on the title “Youth Mobility and Visa”.

The Green Youth joined the Brandenburg State Association in December 2003 as the first organization from the European Union. The reason for this was the wish of the Green Youth Brandenburg to provide support in setting up a green organization in a less green-oriented environment by providing skills. In May 2006 the Federal Association of Green Youth became a partner organization instead of the Brandenburg State Association.

Structure and organization

CDN emerged as a subsidiary of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). Structurally, both organizations form a close connection, especially with regard to educational work. In addition, a large number of CDN's member and partner organizations are also members of the FYEG.

CDN is a network of member and partner organizations. This distinction, that partner organizations are organizations based in the European Union , was made at the General Assembly (Network Meeting) 2005 in Bitola, Macedonia. This has an impact on the right to vote at the General Assembly and the number of possible members on the Executive Board - only one member can come from the EU.

The highest decision-making body is the Network Meeting, in which all member and partner organizations are represented by a maximum of two delegates. Each member organization has one vote. The network meeting votes on the political and educational work carried out as well as the financial budget of the past year and the budget and planned activities for the coming year. In addition, it elects and dismisses the quoted Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee (EC) carries out the political and organizational work between two network meetings. The EC consists of 5 members, at least two of whom must be female and a maximum of one can come from a partner organization. The EC meets at least five times a year.

CDN has had a gender working group since mid-2006 . This CDN Gender Group works, supported by the structures that CDN can provide, on the problem of (un) equal treatment of the sexes in the societies of Eastern Europe. The main focus here is on the problems that young women in Eastern Europe feel exposed to, with regard to the compatibility of family and work.


The CDN has been extensively and sustainably supported and promoted by the Green Forum Sweden since it was founded. In addition, CDN takes part in the youth program of the European Commission , especially with regard to the implementation of Exchanges, an instrument for the exchange of young people from all over Europe. Due to the realignment of the youth program from 2007 (with the title “Youth in Action”), this will probably correspond more to the requirements of youth work in Eastern Europe. Another sponsor is the Council of Europe's Youth Foundation . The current activities of the CDN are mainly carried out under the requirements of the Council of Europe campaign “All Different - All Equal”.

In addition, individual activities are funded by the Federal Office of Administration, International Youth Exchange Department in the area of ​​the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and the Foreign Office, by members of the European Parliament and the Federation of Young European Greens.

Education policy work

The main instrument of the CDN's educational policy work are international exchanges of young people. Based on the guidelines of the sponsors, these are divided into seminars (including the summer camp) within the framework of the Council of Europe's Youth Foundation, exchanges as part of Action 1 of the European Commission's youth program, study sessions in the Budapest Study Center of the Council of Europe and pilot projects as part Action 3 of the European Commission's youth program. In addition, the homepage, e-lists and audiovisual materials are used as a means of mutual exchange between the partner and member organizations.

Member and partner organizations

The following organizations are currently (November 2006) members of the Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe :

The following organizations are partners in the Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe :

Web links

Member and partner organizations