Oswaldo Cordeiro de Farias

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Marshal Oswaldo Cordeiro de Farias

Oswaldo Cordeiro de Farias (born August 16, 1901 in Jaguarão , Rio Grande do Sul , † February 17, 1981 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian marshal and politician who was among other things governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul between 1938 and 1943 from 1955 to 1958 governor of the state of Pernambuco and most recently in 1961 chief of the general staff of the armed forces.


Cordeiro de Farias completed an officer training in the army ( Exército Brasileiro ) of the armed forces (Forças Armadas do Brasil) and subsequently found various posts as an officer and staff officer. It was on July 6, 1933 Lieutenant Colonel and on December 25, 1937 Colonel promoted. On March 4, 1938, he replaced Joaquim Maurício Cardoso as Governor (Governador) of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and held this office until September 4, 1943, whereupon Ernesto Dornelles took over on September 11, 1943. During this time he was promoted to brigadier general on January 13, 1942 .

During the Second World War , Brigadier General Cordeiro de Farias was first commander of the infantry of the 14th division from 1943 to 1944 and then between 1944 and 1945 commander of the artillery of the 1st division deployed in Italy . After the end of the war, between 1945 and 1946 he was head of the Army Training Department in the War Ministry and after his promotion to major general on August 26, 1946, he became a military attaché at the embassy in Argentina . After his return, he acted from August 20, 1949 to August 28, 1952 as the commander of the General Staff Academy (Escola Superior de Guerra) and, after his promotion to general, from August 28, 1952 to 1955, he was Commander-in-Chief of the North CMN (Comando Militar do Norte) ) .

On January 31, 1955, Cordeiro de Farias succeeded Etelvino Lins de Albuquerque as governor of the state of Pernambuco , which he held until he was replaced by Otávio Correia de Araújo on November 14, 1958. He was then chairman of the Joint Brazilian-US Military Commission between 1958 and 1961. Most recently, he was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Ministro-chefe do Estado-Maior das Forças Armadas) by President Jânio Quadros on February 10, 1961 as the successor to General João Carlos Barreto . He held this post until October 16, 1961. President Pascoal Ranieri Mazzilli did not appoint General Osvaldo de Araújo Mota to his successor until July 12, 1962 . In August 1965 he retired from active military service and received the rank of marshal (Marechal do Exército Brasileiro) .

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Individual evidence

  1. Rio Grande do Sul: Governors
  2. ^ Pernambuco: Governors