Cordillera Negra

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Cordillera Negra
Mountain lake Pintadacocha, in the background the Cerro Pintadacocha

Mountain lake Pintadacocha, in the background the Cerro Pintadacocha

Highest peak Coñocranra ( 5181  m )
location Ancash region , Peru
part of Peruvian Western Cordillera
Cordillera Negra (Peru)
Cordillera Negra
Coordinates 9 ° 3 ′  S , 77 ° 55 ′  W Coordinates: 9 ° 3 ′  S , 77 ° 55 ′  W

The Cordillera Negra (Spanish for "Black Mountain Range") is part of the Peruvian Western Cordillera , one of three mountain ranges of the Andes Mountains in western central Peru .


The Cordillera Negra extends for a distance of about 180 km with a width of 25 to 40 kilometers in NNW - SSE direction, with its crest extending about 60 km from the coastline parallel to the Pacific coast . The Cordillera is part of the Andean Sierra , which stretches inland behind the Costa , the narrow coastal desert of the South American subcontinent.

Highest elevations

The Cordillera Negra has its highest peaks in:

Near the Cerro Huancapeti, the highest pass road of the Cordillera Negra, the Huancapeti Pass, crosses the mountain range at an altitude of 4680  m .

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap


In the north and east, the Cordillera is bounded by the Río Santa , which inland accompanies the Cordillera Negra along its entire length and then crosses the coastal mountains at 8 ° 45 'S.

In the south, the Cordillera ends at 10 ° 30 'by the Río Pativilca . In the central part of the Cordillera near the town of Huaraz , the Río Casma breaks through the ridge.

The Río Santa with the fertile valley of the Callejón de Huaylas separates the Cordillera Negra from the Cordillera Blanca in the east, a mountain range covered with snow all year round with peaks up to 6768  m . In contrast to the Cordillera Blanca, the Cordillera Negra remains largely free of snow, although it rises to an altitude of 5000  m , and this is also the reason for its name. The Cordillera Negra holds back the warm air currents of the coastal plain, so that the snow line in the Cordillera Blanca sinks to 5400  m .

The Cordillera Negra and the Cordillera Blanca are almost entirely in the Peruvian region of Ancash .


In the 1960s, the Guitarrero Cave ( Cueva del Guitarrero ) was discovered on the northern edge of the Cordillera Negra.It contained the bones of mastodons and llamas and, based on the tools and clothing found, suggests human settlement between 10,950 and 10,230 years ago .

Today the Cordillera Negra is sparsely populated with a largely indigenous population who live from growing wheat , maize and oats at altitudes of over 4000 m . The Cordillera is rich in natural resources such as gold , silver and copper .

Web links

Commons : Cordillera Negra  - collection of images, videos and audio files