Cornelia Matzke

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Cornelia Matzke (born November 23, 1961 in Leipzig ) is a German doctor and politician ( B'90 / Greens ) and a former member of the Saxon state parliament .


Cornelia Matzke attended elementary school in Leuna and graduated from EOS in Merseburg . She then studied medicine in Leipzig. Ms. Matzke passed her state examination in 1987 and received her license to practice medicine . Until her election to the Saxon state parliament, she was a training assistant for general medicine in Leipzig. After leaving the state parliament in 1994, Ms. Matzke returned to work as a doctor for psychiatry , psychotherapy and neurology . In 2017 she was awarded a Dr. med. PhD.

Cornelia Matzke is married and has two children.


Until autumn 1989 Cornelia Matzke worked in an environmental group at the youth parish office in Leipzig. In autumn 1989 she was a member of the New Forum. There she was co-founder of the Leipzig women's initiative in autumn 1989 and co-founder of the Independent Women's Association in early 1990 . Ms. Matzke was on the coordination council there. In October 1990 she was elected to the Saxon state parliament via the state list, to which she belonged for an electoral period until 1994. There she was a member of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health, Family and Women.

In 1992, she took part in a demonstration for democracy and free trade unions in Tian'anmen Square in Beijing ; she was arrested by the Chinese authorities and subsequently expelled from the country. Cornelia Matzke is a member of the district board of ÖTV and is an editorial member of the magazine Soziale Politik und Demokratie .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation by C. Matzke
  2. Monday talk on May 4, 2009: Cornelia Matzke as guest in the museum in the "Runden Ecke" (pdf)