Cornelis Adrianus Pekelharing

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Cornelis Adrianus Pekelharing

Cornelis Adrianus Pekelharing also: Kees Pekelharing (born July 19, 1848 in Zaandam , † September 18, 1922 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch doctor.


Cornelis Adrianus was the son of the physician Cornelis Pekelharing (born April 19, 1811 in 's-Graveland; † January 22, 1873 in Zaandam) and his wife Johanna van Ree (* 12. January 1812 in Zaandam; † August 26, 1885 ibid).

He attended the French School in Zaandam and was admitted to university in 1865. In 1866 he began studying science and medicine at the University of Leiden . Here he completed the first candidate examination in philosophy in 1868, the first candidate examination in medicine in 1870 and passed his medical examination in 1872. In 1873 he worked as a doctor in Leiden and devoted himself more to the scientific work of medicine. Soon he became the assistant of his teacher Adriaan Heynsius at the Leiden laboratory and received his doctorate in medicine on May 18, 1874 in Leiden on the subject of Over ureumbepaling in bloed en weefsels . In 1878 he became a lecturer in pathology, pathological surgery and physiology at the veterinary school in Utrecht.

On June 30, 1881, he was appointed professor of pathology and pathological surgery at the University of Utrecht , which he did on September 21, 1881 with the introductory speech De waarde der physiologie voor den beoefenaar der ziektekunde (freely translated into German: The value of physiology for the promotion of pathology ) began. On June 21, 1888 he took over the chair for general physiology and comparative biology, for histology and the experimental part of pharmacodynamics, in particular medical toxicology.

After Franciscus Cornelis Donders died and Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann went to Berlin, he took over the chair for histology and physiological chemistry at the Utrecht University in 1893. In his capacity as a Utrecht university lecturer, he also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1896/97 .

He also became a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences in 1886 , was chairman of the Volksbund against alcohol abuse and, after a scientific trip to the Dutch East Indies, campaigned against drug abuse in the same colonies from 1886 onwards. He also became a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion .

On June 14, 1918, he retired from his professorship.


Pekelharing ∞ on July 14, 1873 in Zutphen with Wilhelmina Geertruida (Mina) Campert (born November 19, 1849 in Zutphen; † November 3, 1897 in Utrecht), the daughter of the boarding school director Petrus Remco Campert (born April 30, 1814 in Nijkerk ; † August 13, 1877 in Zutphen) and his on September 24, 1846 in Deventer ∞ Mrs. Johanna Berendina ten Kate (born February 2, 1820 in Deventer; † November 9, 1858 in Zutphen). Children of these are known from marriage:

  • Cornelius Johannes Pekelharing (born March 23, 1874 in Leiden; † April 6, 1945 in Hilversum) ∞ on June 22, 1908 in Velsen with Johanna Wilhelmina Mauve (born November 25, 1883 in Arnhem; † April 13, 1977 in Loosdrecht)
  • Petrus Remco Pekelharing (* March 5, 1875 in Leiden; † December 23, 1935 in Hilversum) ∞ on July 13, 1913 with Martha Hermina Houtsma (* April 5, 1885 in Harlingen; † March 9, 1944 in Hilversum)
  • Johanna Berendina Pekelharing I (* February 24, 1876 in Leiden; † October 22, 1876 ibid)
  • Johanna Berendina Pekelharing II (born May 31, 1878 in Utrecht; † February 15, 1949) ∞ on July 16, 1903 with Dr. Albert Hendrik Kann (* July 18, 1875 in Rotterdam; † December 15, 1951 in Heelsum)
  • Mathilde Pekelharing (born April 22, 1881 in Utrecht; † April 19, 1965 ibid) ∞ on March 7, 1912 with Prof. Dr. Johan Marcus Baart de la Faille (born September 25, 1867 in Leeuwarden, † April 12, 1952 in Utrecht)
  • Nicolaas Rutger Pekelharing (born June 16, 1883 in Utrecht, † February 23, 1930 in Rotterdam)

Works (selection)

  • Over ureumbepaling in bloed en weefsels. 1874
  • About the determination of urea. In: Archives for the entire physiology of humans and animals. 1875, Vol. 11, pp. 602-604
  • Contribution to the knowledge of the peptone. In: Archives for the entire physiology of humans and animals. 1880, vol. 22, pp. 185-205
  • More about the peptone. In: Archives for the entire physiology of humans and animals. 1881, Vol. 26, pp. 515-530
  • De waarde der physiologie voor den beoefenaar der ziektekunde. 1881
  • Een geval van ziekelijke change in het ruggemerg bij pseudospier hypertrophy. 1882
  • Research on nature et la cause du béri-béri et sur les moyens de le combattre. Utrecht 1888
  • Over den aard van het fibrin ferment. 1891
  • Studies on the fibrin ferment. 1892
  • Louis Pasteur. 1895
  • Over de betrekking van het fibrine-ferment van het bloedserum tot de nucleoproteïde van het bloedplasma. 1895
  • About a new way of preparing pepsin. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1896-97, Vol. 22, pp. 233-244
  • About the presence of a nucleoprotein in muscles. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1896-97, Vol. 22, pp. 245-247
  • Hypotheses aangaande de scheikundige samenstelling the levende stof. 1897
  • Over het opnemen van voedsel door sponsor. 1898
  • About the food intake of sponges. In: Archives for Physiology. 1898, pp. 168–186 (with GCJ Vosmaer)
  • Over the invloed van alkohol op de gezondheid. 1902
  • Over den invloed van alkohol op de afscheiding van maagsap. 1902
  • Reports on pepsin. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1902, Vol. 35, pp. 8-30
  • De waarde van suiker as voedsel. 1903
  • De volksvoeding en de accijns op suiker. 1903
  • The nature of the fibrin ferment. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1903, Vol. 39, pp. 22-30 (with W. Huiskamp)
  • Over the invloed van alcohol op de cellen der maagkliertjes. 1907
  • Het verbruik van eiwit in het dierlijk lichaam. 1908
  • The formation of creatine in muscles in the case of tone and rigidity. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1910, Vol. 64, pp. 262-293 (with CJC van Hoogenhuyze)
  • For the electrical transfer of pepsin. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1911, Vol. 75, pp. 282–289 (with WE Ringer)
  • Creatinine excretion in humans under the influence of muscle tone: According to attempts by Mr. med. stud. J. Harkink. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1911, Vol. 75, pp. 207-215
  • About the influence of some inorganic salts on the action of pancreatic lipase. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1912, Vol. 81, pp. 355-368
  • The "activation" of blood serum. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1913, vol. 85, pp. 341-345
  • A few opmerkingen over the street tegen het gebruik van opium in Nederlandsch-Indië. 1914
  • About the influence of phosphatides on blood clotting. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1914, Vol. 89, pp. 22-38
  • About the Cammid's pancreatic reaction. In: Journal of Physiological Chemistry. 1914, Vol. 91, pp. 151-164 (with CJC Van Hoogenhuyze)
  • Franciscus Cornelis Donders. 1918


  • Anna Marie Erdmann: Cornelis Adrianus Pekelharing (1848-1922). In: The Journal of Nutrition. Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1964, Vol. 83, pp. 1–9, ( Online PDF )
  • Nederland's Patriciaat. Genealogy from bekende Geslachten. Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, The Hague, 2001, 83rd vol., Pp. 226–253 ( Online PDF )
  • Cornelis Adrianus Pekelharing. September 21, 1881 - September 21, 1906. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1906, p. 797 ( Online PDF )

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