Cornelis Veening

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Cornelis Veening (born January 15, 1895 in Groningen , Netherlands ; † February 19, 1976 ; in Sils Maria , Switzerland ) was a Dutch respiratory therapist .


Veening originally studied singing. Due to his own health problems, he came to Berlin in the 1930s, where he met Gustav Richard Heyer, a student of Carl Gustav Jung . This resulted in a long-term exchange of work and thoughts, which had a share in the depth psychological side of Veening's later breathing work.

Veening developed his own breathing theory in the mid-1940s. In addition to depth psychology, he was influenced by Asian body teachings. His breathing therapy is about a body-soul development that offers a path from “inside to outside” so that “man becomes what he should be.” For him it was important not to breathe “from the moment of To separate feeling ”. He said: "When the breath shows, it is clear."

Cornelis Veening did not publish his concept “Inneres Atem” in writing, but there are reproductions of some of his lectures.

Some of his students were the respiratory therapists Herta Grun and Ilse Middendorf .

In the last years of his life, Veening taught breathing therapy in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Crete . Veening died in 1976 in Sils Maria.


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Individual evidence

  1. Geboorteregister 1895 ., accessed May 7, 2018
  2. Texts from Memory of Cornelis Veening, pages 13, 41 and 93
  3. Texts from memory of Cornelis Veening, pages 12 and 55
  4. Ilse Middendorf: The breath that can be experienced . Junfermann Verlag, 1990 ISBN 978-3-87387-218-9 , p. 10