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Coordinates: 15 ° 6 ′  N , 90 ° 38 ′  W
Map: Guatemala
Cubulco on the map of Guatemala
Basic data
Country Guatemala
Department Baja Verapaz
Residents 21,000 
City insignia
Escudo Wiki.jpg
Bandera cubulco.jpg
Detailed data
surface 444 km 2
Population density 47 inhabitants / km 2
height 990  m
Waters Embalse Chixoy
Post Code 15004
Time zone UTC −6
City patron Santiago Apóstol (Festival: July 25th)

Cubulco is a small town in Guatemala with a population of around 21,000 . Cubulco is located in the west of the Baja Verapaz department and is the administrative seat of the large municipality of the same name ( Municipio ), which extends over 444 km² and has around 42,000 inhabitants.

Location and climate

Cubulco is located about 15 km west of Rabinal on a very remote plateau in the west of Baja Verapaz on the northwestern foothills of the Sierra de Chuacús. The sparsely populated and relatively dry municipality is the largest in the department. The Chixoy reservoir begins 6 km north of the village .

The municipality borders on Rabinal to the east, Granados to the southeast and the Quiché department to the west and north .

Economy and tourism

Cubulco lives mainly from agriculture. On July 25th each year there are major celebrations in Cubulco in honor of the patron saint. In addition to the folklore dances , the so-called palo volador is particularly well known. It is a traditional performance in which men descend from a trunk about 20 m high, circling on a rope. There are always fatal accidents at this event.

Cubulco can usually be reached from Guatemala City via the Atlantic trunk road CA 9 and the national road 17 via Salamá and Rabinal . The national road 5, which leads from Rabinal via Santa Cruz El Chol and Granados to Guatemala City, is extremely winding and only recommended in the dry season (October to May).

See also

Web links