List of cities in Guatemala

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This is a list of cities in Guatemala .

By far the largest agglomeration in Guatemala is Guatemala City with a population of 2,775,106 (as of January 1, 2005). A quarter of the country's population is thus concentrated in the capital region.

The following table contains the cities with more than 15,000 inhabitants, the results of the census of March 26, 1981, April 17, 1994 and November 24, 2002 as well as an estimate for January 1, 2005. The department is also listed , to which the city belongs. The population figures refer to the respective urban settlement in the narrower sense - the geographical urban area - not to the city or municipality in the political sense.

Cities in Guatemala
rank city Residents Department
1981 census 1994 census 2002 census 2005 estimate
1. Guatemala City 754.243 823,301 942,348 964.823 Guatemala
2. Mixco 11,544 209.791 277,400 297.039 Guatemala
3. Villa Nueva 20,236 101,295 187,700 218.294 Guatemala
4th Quetzaltenango 62,719 90,801 106,700 112.121 Quetzaltenango
5. Escuintla 36,931 49.026 65,400 69,311 Escuintla
6th Amatitlán 20,407 36,999 55,800 61,562 Guatemala
7th Chinautla 2,027 37.102 55,700 61,520 Guatemala
8th. Coban 14,152 33,996 47.202 59,428 Alta Verapaz
9. Chimaltenango 14,967 26,465 43,900 48.902 Chimaltenango
10. Mazatenango 20,918 30,350 40.281 46,968 Suchitepéquez
11. Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa 14,624 24,013 39,500 44,615 Escuintla
12. Coatepeque 19.307 30,437 41,294 44,234 Quetzaltenango
13. Petapa 3,766 12,949 31,600 39,311 Guatemala
14th Chiquimula 18,965 27,644 35,100 37,256 Chiquimula
15th Puerto Barrios 24,235 29,095 35,300 36,682 Izabal
16. Retalhuleu 22.001 27,563 34,300 35,525 Retalhuleu
17th Jalapa 16,928 23,884 30,500 32,380 Jalapa
18th Huehuetenango 12,422 19,922 26,600 28,547 Huehuetenango
19th San Benito 7,903 12,685 24,792 27,182 El Peten
20th Santa Cruz del Quiché 8,966 14,352 20,870 26,372 El Quiché
21st Santiago Atitlan 14,152 17,585 24,300 26,302 Sololá
22nd Palin 8,362 11,390 24,680 26,138 Escuintla
23. Jutiapa 10,648 14,642 22,200 24,579 Jutiapa
24. Zacapa 12,482 16,386 21,900 23,513 Zacapa
25th Ciudad Vieja 9,435 14,292 21,200 23,349 Sacatepéquez
26th San Juan Comalapa 11,362 16,295 19,524 22,082 Chimaltenango
27. Sumpango 9,484 13,954 18,910 21,706 Sacatepéquez
28. Antigua Guatemala 15,801 16,357 19,700 20,616 Sacatepéquez
29 Puerto San José 9,795 14,170 17,430 19,480 Escuintla
30th Esquipulas 7,226 12,967 18,368 19,470 Chiquimula
31. Patzun 9,802 13,760 17,346 19,089 Chimaltenango
32. San Andrés Itzapa 7,968 10,767 16,350 18,453 Chimaltenango
33. Flores 1,324 9,330 16,122 18,399 El Peten
34. Pueblo Nuevo Tiquisate 12.096 12,734 16.801 18,244 Escuintla
35. Jocotenango 6,668 14,013 16,692 17,823 Sacatepéquez
36. San Pedro Sacatepéquez 11,414 14,992 17,000 17,531 San Marcos
37. El Estor 5,175 9,801 14,019 17,480 Izabal
38. San Jose Pinula 5,296 7,225 14,000 16,458 Guatemala
39. San Juan Sacatepéquez 6,726 8,349 14,400 16,453 Guatemala
40. Nebaj 4,491 9,155 14,500 16,228 El Quiché
41. Patzicía 7,628 9,543 14,496 15,514 Chimaltenango
42. San Pedro Ayampuc 3,842 5,679 12,600 15,314 Guatemala
43. Alotenango 6,751 7,543 13,300 15,280 Sacatepéquez
44. Santiago Sacatepéquez 6,522 9,840 14,000 15,261 Sacatepéquez
45. Santa Catarina Pinula 4,272 8,193 13,500 15,254 Guatemala
46. Santa María de Jesús 8,287 11,469 14,418 15,095 Sacatepéquez
47. Poptun 6,362 8,075 13,300 15,028 El Peten

See also

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