Cumulopuntia unguispina

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Cumulopuntia unguispina
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Opuntioideae
Tribe : Austrocylindropuntieae
Genre : Cumulopuntia
Type : Cumulopuntia unguispina
Scientific name
Cumulopuntia unguispina
( Backeb. ) F. Knight

Cumulopuntia unguispina is a species of plant in the genus Cumulopuntia fromthe cactus family (Cactaceae). The specific epithet unguispina means '(lat. Unguis nail) with nail spikes'.


Cumulopuntia unguispina grows as a prostrate to semi-upright subshrub . The shoot sections are up to 2.5 inches long. The up to 18 thorns are bent downwards. The longer of them are dark and up to 1.5 inches long.

The yellow flowers reach lengths of up to 5 centimeters.

Distribution and systematics

Cumulopuntia unguispina is widespread in the lowlands of the Peruvian region of Arequipa .

It was first described as Opuntia unguispina in 1937 by Curt Backeberg . Friedrich Ritter placed the species in the genus Cumulopuntia in 1981 . Nomenclatory synonyms are Tephrocactus unguispinus (Backeb.) Backeb. (1951), Opuntia sphaerica var. Unguispina (Backeb.) GDRowley (1958) and Tephrocactus sphaericus var. Unguispinus (Backeb.) Backeb. (1958).

Cumulopuntia unguispina is not well known and may be species-identical to Cumulopuntia sphaerica .



Individual evidence

  1. Leaves for cactus research . Number 7, 1937, p. [7].
  2. Cacti in South America. Results of my 20 years of field research . Volume 4: Peru. Friedrich Ritter Selbstverlag, Spangenberg 1981, p. 1251.