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Daith Piercing.jpg
location auricle
Jewellery Micro-Ball-Closure-Ring, Micro-Barbell
Note on jewelry
Healing time 3 - 6 months
note on healing time
‣ Topic  overview

A daith ([ dʌθ ? / I ] or [ deɪθ ]) is a piercing in the horizontal bridge and the innermost bulge of the auricle and thus a special shape of the ear hole . Audio file / audio sample

History and culture

The daith is a piercing that spread in the 1990s with the increasing popularity of piercings as fashion jewelry .

The Sephira Da'ath in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The name "Daith" is derived from the Hebrew word daath ( knowledge ), a term from the Kabbalah , one of the mystical traditions of Judaism and denotes an element of the Sephiroth , the ten divine emanations .

A customer of the American piercer Erik Dakota from California is said to have given the piercing that she developed together with Dakota this name. The name alludes to the fact that special skill and skill are required to carry it out. To motivate the customer to get this piercing, among other things, spiritual reasons with reference to Hinduism were given.

Together with the Apadydoe , the Rook and the Industrial Piercing , which are also said to go back to Dakota, the Daith Piercing was first publicly presented in 1992 in the Body Play magazine by Fakir Musafar .


As with other piercings, the skin area to be pierced is first disinfected . If necessary, puncture and puncture points are then marked with a pen and pierced with a special needle . A curved needle is often used so that the surrounding cartilage areas of the auricle are not injured.

Optionally, piercers also use a so-called receiving tube , a protective tube usually made of stainless steel. This is held against the underside of the area to be pierced, so that the needle can first pierce the cartilage and then slide into the tube without damaging the surrounding tissue.

As with other piercings in the cartilage area, punching is often recommended to facilitate the healing phase. The tissue is not pierced, but punched out.

According to Fakir Musafar, a real daith piercing has to be placed in such a way that it visually gives the impression that the lower part of the ring jewelry is going straight out of the ear canal . A particularly small ball closure ring or barbell , also known as a micro-BCR or micro-barbell, is suitable for use. Due to the particularly small and narrow place, the pricking requires a special instinct.

The piercing is one of the more painful cartilage piercings with a possibly longer healing phase due to the comparatively firm cartilage tissue at this point. The healing time is between three and six months.


In contrast to many other piercings, stretching a daith is unusual or hardly possible because it is an anatomical area that is too small.

Other piercings within the auricle are tragus, rook , snug , conch and helix piercing .


Because of its similarity to ear acupuncture , the assumption is sometimes made in forums and blogs that Daith helps relieve headaches. Positive experience reports are partly attributed to the placebo effect . The German Migraine and Headache Society currently advises against piercings against migraines, as there is a risk of inflammation of the ear cartilage and there is currently no scientific evidence of its effectiveness. The study started in 2020 by the Central Institute for Mental Health Mannheim aims to close this research gap and examine whether ear piercings can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of migraine attacks and improve quality of life and mood.

Web links

Commons : Daith Piercings  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fakir Musafar: The Unique Piercings of Erik Dakota , Body Play Magazine # 4, 1992
  2. Daith. In: Body Modification E-Zine . BMEzine.com, LLC, September 8, 2011, accessed September 24, 2016 .
  3. Erik Dakota. In: Body Modification E-Zine. BMEzine.com, LLC, June 4, 2007, accessed September 24, 2016 .
  4. Piercing. In: tattoo-spirit.de. June 1, 2014, accessed August 20, 2018 .
  5. Markus Dahlem: Placebo Effect: Can Daith Piercing Relieve Migraines? In: Spektrum.de. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, September 22, 2016, accessed on September 24, 2016 .
  6. Daith Piercing for Migraines · DRadio Knowledge. Retrieved September 25, 2016 .
  7. The DMKG warns: Piercing is not suitable for treating migraines! In: DMKG website. German Migraine and Headache Society eV, 2016, accessed on September 24, 2016 .
  8. Study on the effectiveness of ear piercings in migraines. In: Website of the ZI Mannheim. Central Institute for Mental Health Mannheim, 2020, accessed on August 17, 2016 .