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Daitondas ( ancient Greek Δαιτώνδας ) was a Greek sculptor from Sicyon , at the end of the 4th and beginning of the third century BC. Was active.

According to the report of Pausanias, he created a bronze victorious statue of Theotimos von Elis , who won the 118th  Olympic Games in 308 BC. Was victorious in the fistfight of the boys. The date, otherwise only handed down in lists of Olympians , is confirmed by Pausanias, as he names Theotimos father Moschidas as a participant in the Alexander procession . His signature, which is not completely preserved, can also be found on the fragment of a statue base from Delphi on which there was a statue of Aphrodite , which was consecrated by an Asopod [oros]. The typeface of the inscription can be traced back to the end of the 4th century BC. To date. From the 3rd century BC His inscription comes from Thebes on a fragment of a base on which a portrait statue stood as a votive offering to the gods.



  1. ^ Pausanias 6:17 , 5.
  2. ^ Emanuel Loewy : Inscriptions by Greek sculptors . Teubner, Leipzig 1885, p. 77.
  3. ^ Inscriptiones Graecae VII 2472.